TerriAnn Belle
5 min readJan 28, 2020

11 Qualities of an Empath

I’m an empath and I found this out about three years ago. When I learned this suddenly things start to make sense. I finally knew why I was a bit more sensitive than others, or why I would tend to keep to myself the majority of the time. Every baby I met has been naturally drawn to me and for awhile I thought it was a coincidence. It wasn’t until I become awakened to who I am and what I am that I realized that there is something unique and special about me. Everyone does not have the spiritual gift of empathy, but if you are a carrier of that gift then you should recognize the beauty in it.

Empathy is defined as the ability to share the feelings of others, to understand deeply as if they were in his or her shoes. When you are an empath then empathy is not just a trait that you have it is what you are; you are essentially a figure of empathy, you exemplify what it means to be pure and how to care for others in the most genuine way. Empathy as a spiritual gift is rare and only those chosen will be carriers.

If you believe that you might be an empath and want just a little more detail to help you determine if your hunch is right, then read along as I explain the 11 qualities of an empath.

1 ) You are very emotional

Empaths are highly sensitive creatures, we feel things deeper than most people. Empaths are easily angered, agitated and upset. Emotional release from an empath is common in most cases because an empath isn’t afraid to express themselves. We also have the ability to absorb the energy of our environment. If empaths are in a situation where emotions are heavy like a funeral, then an empath can easily get overwhelmed, emotional and cannot refrain from crying. Empaths are not afraid to be vulnerable.

2 ) You are very intuitive

Empaths have a strong intuition, some even have a psychic ability. Empaths have the gift of foresight and can just feel things to be true with no logical explanation. Empaths are also clairvoyant, clairsentient & clairaudient. Empaths also have this inner knowing and wisdom beyond their years. People have told you have an old soul.

3 ) Crowds are overwhelming

Empaths absorb the energy of the others and environments they are in. In a small classroom setting an empath can feel all the energy in the room; but in a packed gym or a concert an empath can experience sensory overload. To feel so many energies at once can become too much for an empath to handle. Therefore an empath’s natural reaction is to escape and go find a secluded place or a spot with no people to recharge.

4 ) People & strangers trust you easily and open up to you

Empaths are natural healers and have a gentle aura that makes people very trusting of you. Random strangers will meet an empath and tell them their whole life story because they feel that they can trust the empath with this information. Empaths have a pure soul and people can sense and see a good soul. Once a person makes eye contact with an empath the secrets start to pour as eyes are the window to the soul.

5 ) Babies & animals are naturally drawn to you

Empaths have that gentle aura that is very pure and innocent. Other innocent creatures on earth such as dogs and infants can sense these auras. Babies especially because their third eye is open. If babies are quick to go to you, they let you pick them up and seems to feel safe with you then you are probably an empath and they can sense it. Dogs will treat you the same way, they will jump on you, want to pet, sniff or lick you and will shower you with love.

6 ) People often mistreat you

Empaths are pure, they act as a mirror to the world. When in the presence of an empath everything that you like and dislike about yourself is now visible. It is festering in your brain and people’s deepest insecurities are now brought to the surface. This makes people feel not so good about themselves, and this occurs mainly whenever they are around the empath. This is what makes people dislike empaths so much, because they don’t feel good when they are around them but they do not know why they feel this type of way. In some cases to make the pain go away or in a sense to return to sender people will act aggressively toward the empath. This makes empaths more prone to being victims of bullying.

7 ) You enjoy spending time in nature

Empaths have a unique attraction to nature and the outdoors. Outside is where we get the most energy, and while empaths love to recharge nature is the better option. Some like water, lakes or oceans, some like the forest but whichever is natural healing.

8 ) Very caring to others

Empaths are genuine people and really care about people. They love and care about those around them because they have such a big heart and it is in their nature. The only downside is that empaths are so giving that they become magnets for narcissistic people. To avoid such people, set clear boundaries early on if lines have been crossed.

9 ) Heightened Sense: sound, smell & sight

Empaths have a heightened sensitivity to their senses. Certain senses are a lot stronger like the ability to hear very well or to have a strong sense of smell. Others tend to have 20/20 vision, these empaths may have very vivid dreams.

10 ) You prefer solitude and tend to isolate yourself

Empaths need solitude and time to recharge. Dealing with all the energies and emotions of people, it can get overwhelming so empaths will take time to recenter themselves. Empaths can tend to take periods of time where they close themselves off from everyone and everything for a brief duration.

11 ) Don’t relate to the world

Empaths will always be different. An even as a young child empaths have felt different amongst their peers. The way they think, the way they move, the way they behave. They never seem to fit in anywhere, they are more of the lone wolf, fiercely independent. Empaths do not conform to societal norms instead they express themselves authentically. Empaths are free-spirited.

It is an amazing gift to be an empath. We are the types of people that will help bring peace unto the world. By example we will lead the world to use more empathy when interacting with people on a daily basis. Sharing with the world the pure gift of empathy.