Scoot Airline foray into the Digital Inflight experience

Untitled Writer
6 min readDec 26, 2020


Transitioning of the traditional inflight experience into a fully digital experience, thru the use of personal smartphone devices.

With the impact of Covid-19 heavily affecting the aviation travel industry, Scoot had to relook into how as an airline would they pivot in this new era wherein customer interaction is minimised yet at the same time ensure the flight experience is still fully enriched where in the customer does not feel isolated and alone in an airplane full of people, while at the same time ensure that scoot is still able to operate and serve passenger as per normal, at the same time explore alternative inflight revenue.

Click here for link to ScootHub product page

With this challenge ScootHub was created as the new digital inflight experience moving forward with the objectives of;

Reducing physical interaction onboard, yet at the same time improving quality of customer interactions onboard.

Creating a enveloping inflight portal customer journey

Increasing outside of cart service sale, establishing a sustainable non-pax revenue pillar, building scoot nascent position as a media space owner providing unique and integrated advertising opportunities.

Revenue Model — Multiple revenue steams

and most importantly
Improving customer experience for a seamless browsing > shopping > payment onboard experience.

Design and Development (UX + UI)

With the following objectives need to be fulfilled, with the engaged vendor off the shelf product, we explored the various interaction of milestone that would enable the business to meet set objectives thru various segments and user flow within the product limitations.

Wireframe of user-flow

wireframe of user-flow planned for ScootHub

Onboarding Tutorial

During development the team were looking for methods in circumventing the 5 seconds required for connection time required for the smart devices to be sync to the inflight system box, herein which we created a onboarding tutorial as an activity that is informative at the same time creates the illusion of the system being responsive and seamless.

Onboarding tutorial guide


Registration for initial phase as an MVP product is currently designed as such to collect data tracking customers inflight activities in demographics for better targeted sales, data planning of future flight campaign and optimisation of inflight sales products loaded on flight and reducing fuel and handling cost.

Later in future phases onwards ScootHub will be sync to the existing Scoot Insider database to create a seamless journey, where in so long the user has a digital token capturing they are a register Scoot Insider, they would be automatically logged in with their profile with relevant data for personalised experience such as shopping to food and drinks preferences as part of Scoot hyper personalisation business approach.

Customers are able to sign up via Scoothub into becoming Scoot Insider and receive the same treatment for thereafter flights and booking at the website.

Demographics registration for flight optimisation

E-commerce (inflight sales + postflight sales)

With the advent of Covid-19, airlines has had to take measures in ensuring there is minimal to limited physical contact flight stewards have with customers, to ensure customers still are able to feel the same flight experience if not better before covid all inflight transaction on moved into ScootHub.

This create a no wait time for customers (in the past required to buzz for service to wait for orders and payment to be taken), but able to receive their inflight order right after purchase for food, beverages or inflight shopping products.

ScootHub landing page
Scoot Cafe
Scoot Cafe combo selection
Scoot Cafe ala carte product upsell
Scoot inflight services
Cart and payment transaction flow

Postflight sales (of KrisShop and Scootalogue products) not available inflight for collection will require customers to digitally registering their delivered address to receive purchased items shipped to their doorstep.


Without entertainment ScootHub it will just be a e-commerce site, with that games with incentivised rewards are created as the entertainment component of ScootHub as passengers traveling at on flights would have downloaded their entertainment shows or music beforehand.

Games with incentivised rewards

Alternative revenue stream (monetize traffic)

To create an alternative revenue stream but at the same time ensuring Scoot brand is maintain as a low cost carrier, the inflight entertainment would be the alternative main platform wherein potential partners and advertisers that matches Scoot brand and business such as travel and activities would be partnered in creating user focused content related and relevant to the specific flight routes for example advertorials one will see from a “Singapore to Bangkok flight” will be entirely different from a “Bangkok to Singapore flight” or “Singapore to Tokyo flight” no two routes will be the same as it will be powered by the data collected to allowed for optimisation of relevant content.

Advertorial revenue stream

Partnerships with travel partners or service partners will allow customers onboard to purchase activities or products during the flight before even arriving at their destination.

Partnership content (1)
Partnership content (2)


While designing the user-flow interaction for the product there were lots of limitations and time restraint we had to factor and accomodate. Such as certain features having to be delivered in a MVP state as to the finished state due lack of resources, some interesting approaches had to be thought up to circumvent such issue ensuring the user experience is as close as possible like a finished product for release. Replanning and moving around features so each new release feels like an upgrade as to a patch of fixes and meeting planned releases.

At the same time forecasting and planning ahead the user experience of the app to be inline to Scoot digital experience roadmap ecosystem of what it could be achieved.


Working on this project with multiple stakeholders from different companies with floating variables of undecided plans, has allowed me to switch focus in on approaching this product essential basic business requirements, by planning a completed vision state of it slowly peeling back to its base foundation to better go about creating a modular design approach order in the chaotic development, ensuring all stakeholders needs are fulfilled.

Next steps

Synchronising ScootHub with Scoot Insider database for seamless customer inflight hyper personalisation shared data.

Optimising of data to further tailor flight inventory.

Partnerships with different destination business partners in creating curated destination content and activities.

