Valentine’s Day for Singles and Couples

(Monogamous version)

By Terry Brussel-Rogers Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (since 1969) and 4th Generation Matchmaker

Terry ran her family’s business Marriage Minded Introductions for 40 years

800-Life Mate (543–3628) still reaches her…

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Flowers, candy, dancing and passion — someone special in your arms. Except if there isn’t someone special right now… Then it can be a real downer.

Single and no love partner at present? Don’t let all the cards, gift items and dreamy looks you see around you bring you down. Let it instead motivate you to be looking for that certain person or couple who may already be looking for you. Your life mate is out there- -not just one but many possible “right” ones. There are books on how to look, audio/video tapes and seminars. You can start at the library or a book store. Browse. Find one with a step- by- step program, not just for finding someone wonderful, but perhaps also for accessing what changes you may need to make to be ready for that person. That is the basis our Pygmalion program at Success Center. Become the one your soulmate is looking for which is your own highest image of Who you are. How to Make a Man Fall in Love by Tracey Cabot is good. The converse book for men appears to be out of print, though there are likely others out there. The couples’ version is Staying in Love for a Life- Time by the same author. For more in depth info on NLP, Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins is available in recording or book form. It’s better to use recorded material or live training as the way you say things is at least as important as what you say. Hypnosis can assist you in actually integrating NLP into your subconscious mind, your child mind, helping you to use it with the kind of unconscious mastery demonstrated by such practitioners as Tony Robbins and Tad James. We offer that at Success Center — 800-GOAL NOW (462–5669)

What’s NLP? Neuro Linguistic Programming is a way to deeply understand how another person thinks and communicates, what is important to them. It ranges from mirroring words and gestures to get a potential date to notice you at a party to saying the right things and being the right person for your chosen life mate to want to marry. It works.


I had a client for my matchmaking service who only wanted to meet ladies with long blonde hair. I found a match for him who was everything else he wanted, but her hair was short and auburn. He reluctantly agreed to meet her. He called me after the first date to tell me she looked like a horse. Two weeks later, he called to say she didn’t look that bad actually and to tell me she had other characteristics he loved. The wedding invitation came six weeks later. The gut feel that caused me to risk his original aggravation was right, but the lady had a lot to do with making that work. She made him feel good about himself, let him know how right for her he was. She learned what special things really pleased him in the way a woman dressed and acted. She did those things without changing the essence of who she was, which was right for him in the first place. Some of this was inside info from me — the rest she picked up by watching him, listening to him and asking the right questions. She learned to speak to him using the kinds of words he best responded to — visual imagery in his case. This particular gal just seemed to have a knack for it. If you don’t and you wonder why your relationships just don’t seem to last or to make either of you as happy as you’d hoped they would, this technique can be learned. It’s not a way to manipulate another person or to give up being yourself. It’s a way to deeply communicate with a potential special someone, to fully understand that other person, decide if this is Mr. or Miss Right, and be happy together if it is.

Here are a few hints. Does your date (or your life mate or this person you’d like to date) use words like:

“I see.” Or “It looks good to me.”? When you ask a question, does (s)he look up before answering? This person is probably a visual. Make a date to see the sunset together.

Words like “I hear you.” “Just listen to me.” and looking to the side before speaking tell you you’re dealing with an audio. Make a date to listen to a concert together.

“It’s got to feel right.” “Let’s get in touch.” and looking down before speaking tell you this kinesthetic might enjoy an ethnic place where soft comfortable cushions are provided to recline on.

This is obviously over simplified. There are many tapes and books available on the subject as well as personal instruction. Feel free to call me for more info.

If you do all this or even a good part of it, you’ll be too busy solving the loneliness problem to wallow in it. Soon you’ll have your arms around the delightful solution.

Valentine’s Day for Those Already in a Relationship to Make it Even Better

Any of the following can be enhanced by playing my guided meditation Relationship Joy for Couples the night before Valentine’s Day. Go to web store to download it.

Read Five Languages of Love by Gary Chapman for even more ideas…

Gentlemen, get that special Lady (wife, girlfriend or Significant Other) flowers and special gifts. Take her out to dinner at some special place you know would delight her. Show her that old fashioned romance need not be lost because you already “have” each other. NLP can be useful for this sort of thing, too. It will be worth the trouble if your Dream is a relationship that brings both of you Joy for life. This is true even if the relationship is a non residential one for now.

Ladies, give your man breakfast (maybe even YOU for breakfast) in bed on Valentine’s Day or if you are not going out to dinner, a romantic at home supper for two made with his favorite foods by your loving hands. If you have an indoor Jacuzzi or even an outdoor hot tub, you could feed each other finger foods in it. Either of you could be sure what both of you regard as romantic music is playing to make the experience even better.

Call Success Center at 800-GOAL NOW (462–5669) for help getting into a love relationship, falling in love again with your mate, or making a good relationship even more joyous.

Terry Lee Brussel-Rogers CCHt, hypnotist & author

Terry Brussel-Rogers Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, published Author and Director of Success Center Inc. Professional in her field since 1969.