Bluetooth Keyboard with my Moto X or iPad Mini

Terry Grier
2 min readFeb 3, 2015

I have learned that sitting in front of my laptop I am not as productive as I should or could be. It is my own fault. It is too easy to leave a lot of tabs open and then check those tabs as a “reward” for completing even the simplest of work task. Three rabbit holes and 15 minutes later I start another work task.

I modified my desk with some custom made cake platforms from our wedding (yeah really) in to a standing desk. This alone as changed my approach to my laptop work. But there are times when I want to write or answer emails in a coffee shop or between meetings. Another issue is that my laptop is a Thinkpad with Windows. Booting it up and/or shutting it down takes time. Enough time that it frustrates me when my only need at that moment is to respond to an email but my response requires some thought and I want to write using a real keyboard.
Alot of people that I see in coffee shops use an ipad with external Bluetooth keyboard. I love the idea. Let’s face it for most people an iPad can be their primary device. Add a real keyboard boom — you can knock out some real work.

I tried it with my iPad Mini. It is a wifi only model. So I had to set it up, get on a network either wifi or via tethered to my Moto X. Then that got me thinking. Why carry another device?

Single Focus

I am writing this post using Simplenote, an Apple bluetooth keyboard in an Incase Oragami folding case and my Moto X.

The Moto X has a 4.7 inch screen that is big enough, it has 4G and because it is a device that I use all the time, I know where the apps are and they are all setup correctly. I can connect the keyboard and be up and running typing out that email in a minute.

Battery Life: Plus my Moto X has great battery life. I do not have to worry about finding a plug.

Let’s be clear, I still need my laptop. But there are times either when I want to knock out some quick emails or I want to sit and write a blog post that I really enjoy this setup. It is simple and effective. It keeps me focused on the task in front of me.

Try it for yourself sometime. Turn on some Radio Paradise, the best working music, and write out some emails or work on a blog post.

Let me know if you do and what you thought of the process. Drop me a note here or hit me on twitter @tgrier or on Google Plus



Terry Grier

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