Me at 325#’s 2012 vs Me at 250# 2014

My Weight Loss Story

Terry Grier
4 min readNov 1, 2014


I am writing to those of you out there with more than 100 pounds to lose.

In 2012 my weight was 325 pounds. I had been overweight for a while at that point. I now weigh 250 and it is November 2014. My goal is to be 185 but with my next goal along my journey is to get to 225 for you see I am still on my journey. And it is my hope that I encourge you to start yours.

Weight — It is Heavier Than you Think

I have sat down at my laptop at least 20 times to write this opening article about my journey but could never get it done. I was not sure what to write about. Most of the things I am doing I got from the internet and have been written about over and over again so I thought there would be little value in me telling my story.

For me there was one guy that I read his blog. He weighted 388 pounds and started using a food tracking app Loseit and in one year he went from 388 down to 225. His blog has been taken down or purchased but he would write short stories about something simple like being able to use the tray table on the airplane now that he had lost some weight. He traveled a lot for work. His honestly of how he expressed this small triump of being normal and using a tray table resonated with me. If you need to lose 100 or more pounds I am sure you can identify with the feelings of being embarrassed or shameful because you cannot fit in your seat. My point is for whatever reason this was the guy that I would look at and think — if he did it I can too. It is my hope that I could be that for you. So my message is.

You Can Do It

If you are overweight and happened upon this post through a search in hopes of starting your journey my message to you is: You can do it.

I am writing to those of you out there with more than 100 pounds to lose. I was like you and for those of you with 50 pounds to lose I am still like you. I googled and read. I tried things. I felt depressed. I started another plan and cheated on the plan and stopped. I tried to hang with the fitness crowd friends, I could not keep up got discouraged. Then in 2012 I changed my diet and my approach to exercise and things started to change. I felt more in control and felt like my actions could move the scale in a downward direction.

It is possible to lose the weight and keep it off and it is easier than you think. The catch is it will take a change in your mind set. You have to decide is losing weight and feeling great of greater value than what you currently hold to be true. If you think you can just keep doing what you are doing or believing what you currently think is true and lose weight you are wrong.

Fat is Your Friend

The change I made was to make fat my primary calorie source. I am talking 70% of my daily intake.

Specifically monounsaturated fat, the good fat.

To change your mind set you need to learn and understand that the root cause of being overweight is a metabolic/hormone issue. Hormones send messages to our body to do all sorts of things, including making you hungry and instructing your body on how much body fat to keep. You can get these hormones to help you in your weight loss instead of working against you by the food you eat. And when you increase your total calories from fat naturally you should decrease your calories from carbs and if you keep your total carb intake to less than 75 grams of carbs then this keeps your lepin and insulin levels lower. If you take it to less 50 grams of carbs then you will really be in the zone for weightloss.

Are you ready to start your journey?

I am going to write more. I will share my experiences. I plan to write about things I have learned that have helped me a lot and also share struggles I have faced along the way. I hope you continue to read my story and more importantly I hope you start your journey. If you do please share your experience with your community and let me know either here or on social media that you have started your journey.


To get you started here are 2 things for your homework.

The Rosedale Diet get it on kindle for $10. If you need to lose 50 pounds or more start here. Anytime I feel stuck or off track I always go back and read this book to center myself.

Dr. Ron Rosedale Talk — “The Deeper Roots of Health and Diet as Told by Our Ancestor’s Ancestors” This is a 22 min video. It might seem a little dense but if you really need to lose 5o pounds or more, you need to watch this video and really listen to what he is saying. This is the WHY burning fat matters.

If you want to follow me elsewhere, I am active on Google Plus, Instragram, Twitter and Facebook.

Thanks for Reading — Terry Grier



Terry Grier

My Personal Blog | Insurance Agent | Bullet Journal | Fasting | Follow My Journey | Grier Vlog