How to learn English using Chinese?

Terry Lin
3 min readJul 26, 2023


Embarking on the journey to learn English through your native Chinese? You’re in for an adventure filled with new discoveries, challenges, and rewards! Let’s dig into some strategies to help you navigate this exciting linguistic landscape.

First, it’s all about tools, right? And a good English-Chinese dictionary, be it physical or digital, can be one of your best companions. Whenever you stumble upon an unfamiliar word, your trusty dictionary will be there, ready to unveil its meaning.

If you’re a fan of books, bilingual ones can be real treasures. Imagine having English on one side and Chinese on the other, the perfect guide to understanding context and language nuances. It’s almost like having a personal tutor between the pages of a book!

But if you’re more into tech, then language learning apps will be your allies. Duolingo, Babbel, Rosetta Stone — each of them have their unique features. Some are more focused on grammar, others on vocabulary, and they all have engaging exercises for listening and speaking practice.

Prefer a more traditional approach to learning? No problem! Enroll in an English class designed for Chinese speakers. Teachers in these classes will use Chinese to explain tricky English grammar rules and intricate vocabulary, making it easier for you to grasp the concepts.

When it’s time to take a break, don’t forget you can still learn while relaxing. Pop on a movie or a TV show in English, but don’t forget the Chinese subtitles. Not only will this help improve your listening skills, but it will also familiarize you with the rhythm and sounds of English.

Practice, practice, and did I mention practice? That’s the golden rule of language learning. Speak, write, and even think in English as much as you can. It might feel odd at first, but it’s a powerful way to internalize the language.

Now, what about interacting with native speakers? Online language exchanges are perfect for this. On platforms like Tandem or iTalki, you can meet English speakers who are eager to learn Chinese. This way, you can help each other, turning learning into a mutually beneficial experience.

Here’s a fun trick: compare the grammar of English and Chinese. Spotting the differences and similarities between these two languages can give you a better understanding of English syntax.

Don’t forget that plenty of English learning materials are available in Simplified or Traditional Chinese. They give you detailed explanations of English rules and nuances in your native language — pretty handy, isn’t it?

Lastly, immerse yourself in the culture of English-speaking countries. Read their books, watch their movies, listen to their music, understand their customs. This not only enhances your language learning but also enriches your cultural understanding.

Remember, learning a language is like embarking on a long journey. There might be a few bumps along the way, but every step you take brings you closer to your destination. The key is to keep moving forward, stay consistent, and enjoy the journey. Happy learning!



Terry Lin

10-year experience software developer