Conversations with my boss

Rocket Worley
2 min readMar 11, 2017


I like my boss; he is a good guy. I trust him. But, I am not always as respectful, towards him, as I should show. The problem is; I like my boss I think of him as a friend.

I have a lifelong habit of complaining to my friends. This is partially to below off stream:

“Damn, I can’t believe he gave me this assignment, the dude is killing me.”

But, serious or not, it is a negitive statement. I may not belive what I am saying, but my brain does. I get stressed out and angry when what I should do is just do my job.

The Boss: I need you to pick up some meter pits and deliver them.”

“Aw dude, you are killing me.”

I am being sarcastic, trying to make a joke and it ain’t working. I end up feeling resentful.

For doing my job! Really?

Enough! Just do your job and say positive things. It works both ways.

It was late, yesterday, near quitting time. The scene is the boss’ office.

ME: We just had a conversation and I was not sarcastic once. I am going to give up sarcasm it isn’t funny anymore.

Boss: And doesn’t feel better. You aren’t all stressed out, for no reason, you are not angry, no headache, clam and relaxed.

Now I am a cartoonist, and comedy is my thing.

Me: Yeah right! Just kidding. Hey that would make a good cartoon.

And such is the Genesis of the above gag.

