Happy Gratitude day

Rocket Worley
1 min readNov 24, 2016


This gag came to me five seconds after hitting the publish button this morning. I went to my drawing board and drew it. I concidered saving it until next year, but patience is not my strong suit.

So, today, I present two drawings.

I propose we retake the fourth Thursday in November and rename it Gratitude Day.

We all have something for which to be greatful. I know homeless folks who are grateful.

The term “Thanksgiving” is tainted. First, “thanks” is a, kind of, contraction of “Thank you” sloppy sounding, and awkward. Gratitude rolls off the tongue so much nicer.

Second, I grew up being force fed a fabricated myth. Nearing this holiday, the schools would show flims of the wonder of peace and friendship between people’s 400 years ago. Lies, lies and more lies. What I can not figure is why?

We used to call it rewriting history, I call it lies.

Enough of that! Let’s start again. Recapture, rename, and reclaim. This is the first day of the rest of our lives! I plan to own it, welcoming all who come into my life, with gratitude.


