
Rocket Worley
1 min readNov 25, 2016


Someday, I will write out the lyrics to lookout-Crash-boom.

But, I know Ralph will high jack it and make it his. Ralph can not sing, he screeches like a wounded semi -truck sliding to a stop on its side.

But, he does have enthusiasm and heart. He turely loves rock-n-roll. And that makes up for alot.

Mad magizine was big on music parodies. They would take an existing song, usually a show tune, and replace the words. I thought this was one of the funniest gags in the world. In bars I would often do my own word replacement and sing away. This got me in a bit I of trouble from time to time, making fun of favorite tune can lead to bad endings. Of course, my drinking got me in all kinds of trouble.

Werid Al, made a whole career or of music parodies. I am a big fan, but a little bit goes a long way.

I got it; “Crash goes the Dummy”?

Around arounf the lab the cars goes

Down into the Concrete wall

The engineers set it up

Crash goes the Dummy!

