
Rocket Worley
2 min readMar 18, 2018


Telelastai is Greek meaning it is finished. It is written at the end of documents indicating that a bill has been paid in full. This is believed to be the last words spoken by Christ on the cross.

By his blood sacrifice our debt is paid.

And that is what Easter is all about. The forgiveness given to all who believe.

It seems too easy; just believe and you are forgiven.

It is more than easy; it is the scandal of grace.

Recently, in our recovery group, I taught a lesson called “Turn”. It was about turning from our sinful ways and returning to our God.

That turn is the act of repentance. Nothing else is required for salvation.

“It can’t be that easy! Someone has to pay!” cries out the offened. Vengeance must be served.

The 15th chapter of Luke contains the story commonly know as the Prodigal Son. A wayward son leaves his family and travels to a far of land. He becomes destitute and decides to return home. Humbled, he hopes only to be given a job as a hired hand. He has a speech prepared in which he will beg forgiveness. But, is unable to give in full; his dad, overjoyed by the return of his son, runs, embraces the boy and calls for a welcome home party.

As the party gets into full swing, the faithful older son returns from working his father’s feilds. He remained loyal and gets nothing, while his faithless little brother gets a wingding!

It ain’t fair!

Grace is not fair. Thank God! I do not deserve to be a child of God. I turned my back in God and walked away until, desitute, I repented by turning back to God. And that is a scandle.

I, once a declared child of God, renounced my faith. I was raised otherwise. If I were God I would not have taken me back.

But, my price was already paid. When he died we were given life.


