Does He Like Me Quiz | Take A Quiz to Know If He Loves You

Shedrack Teryima
15 min readNov 11, 2023


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

So, you’ve had your eye on this guy for a while now, huh? You’re probably itching to know if he’s feeling the same way about you. But, I mean, how can you really tell if he’s into you or if he’s just being friendly, right? It’s a bit of a tricky situation.

Sometimes, he might give you these mixed signals that leave you scratching your head. Other times, he might come off as kind of shy and jittery around you, which only makes things more confusing. And then there are those moments when he might be dropping some pretty obvious hints, but you’re second-guessing yourself and not sure if you should believe them.

To help clear up this whole situation, we’ve put together this little quiz. It’s based on all those common signs that guys give off when they’re into someone, you know? We’re talking body language, the things they say, their actions, the whole shebang. Just answer a few simple questions, and you’ll have a pretty good grasp on how he’s feeling about you and what to do next.

Now, if you want a guy to be obsessed with you and love you with all his heart, click here to see a secrete hack that has helped over 2,600 ladies get the guy they’re crushing on easily.

Alright, you ready to dive into the quiz? Let’s do this!

How to Take the Quiz

Photo by Rachel on Unsplash

Alright, to hop into this quiz, just read through each question and pick the answer that feels most spot-on for your situation. No need to overanalyze, just be real with yourself. Once you’re done, we’ll tally up your score and I’ll give you some handy tips on what comes next! Let’s roll!

Question 1: How often does he text you?

A) He texts me first, texts back fast, and asks me tons of questions.

B) He texts me first, but he doesn’t always text back right away.

C) I usually text him first, but he always responds.

D) I guess now that you mention it, he doesn’t always reply to my texts.

Question 2: How does he act when you’re around?

A) He’s always smiling, laughing, and making eye contact with me.

B) He’s friendly and polite, but not very expressive.

C) He’s quiet and shy, but I catch him staring at me sometimes.

D) He’s cold and distant or acts like I’m not there.

Question 3: Does he compliment you?

A) Yes, he always says nice things about my appearance, my personality, or my skills.

B) Sometimes he does, but not very often.

C) He noticed my new haircut once. Does that count?

D) No, he never compliments me.

Question 4: Does he touch you?

A) Yes, he’s always finding excuses to hug me, hold my hand, or brush against me.

B) Sometimes he does, but only in a friendly way.

C) He touched my arm once when he was making a point. Does that count?

D) No, he never touches me.

Question 5: Does he tease you?

A) Yes, he always jokes around with me and makes fun of me in a playful way.

B) Sometimes he does, but not very often.

C) He teased me once about something silly. Does that count?

D) No, he never teases me.

Question 6: Does he remember things about you?

A) Yes, he remembers everything I tell him, even the smallest details.

B) Sometimes he does, but not always.

C) He remembers some important things, like my birthday or my favorite color.

D) No, he forgets everything I tell him.

Question 7: Does he ask you questions about yourself?

A) Yes, he’s always curious about my life, my opinions, and my feelings.

B) Sometimes he does, but not very often.

C) He asked me a few basic things when we first met. Does that count?

D) No, he never asks me anything about myself.

Question 8: Does he try to make plans with you?

A) Yes, he’s always inviting me to hang out with him or do something fun.

B) Sometimes he does, but not very often.

C) He asked me once if I wanted to join him for something. Does that count?

D) No, he never tries to make plans with me.

Question 9: Does he get jealous when you talk to other guys?

A) Yes, he always acts possessive and protective of me.

B) Sometimes he does, but not very often.

C) He looked annoyed once when I was talking to another guy. Does that count?

D) No, he doesn’t care who I talk to.

Question 10: Does he open up to you?

A) Yes, he tells me things he doesn’t share with anyone else.

B) Sometimes he does, but not very often.

C) He shared one or two personal things with me, but nothing major.

D) No, he never opens up to me.

Now, if you want a guy to be obsessed with you and love you with all his heart, click here to see a secrete hack that has helped over 2,600 ladies get the guy they’re crushing on easily.

How to Interpret Your Score

Awesome, you’ve wrapped up the quiz, and now it’s the moment of truth! Let’s figure out what your score is all about. It’s pretty straightforward: just add up the points for all your answers. Here’s the lowdown on how the points work:

A) 10 points

B) 7 points

C) 4 points

D) 1 point

The total score ranges from 10 to 100 and indicates how likely it is that he likes you. The higher the score, the more he likes you. Here’s a breakdown of the score ranges and what they mean:

. 90–100: He’s head over heels for you! He’s clearly showing you all the signs that he likes you more than a friend, and he wants to be with you. He’s attentive, affectionate, and interested in everything about you. He’s not afraid to express his feelings, and he’s eager to spend time with you. You should definitely make a move on him or let him know how you feel. He’s waiting for you!

  • 70–89: He likes you a lot! He’s giving you plenty of signals that he likes you more than a friend, and he’s hoping you’ll notice them. He’s friendly, flirty, and fun to be around. He’s curious about your life, and he remembers things you tell him. He tries to make plans with you, and he gets jealous when you talk to other guys. You should flirt back with him, or drop some hints that you like him too. He might be shy or nervous to make the first move, but he’ll appreciate your encouragement.
  • 50–69: He likes you, but he’s not sure how you feel. He’s showing some signs that he likes you more than a friend, but he’s also holding back a bit. He might be unsure of your feelings, or afraid of rejection. He might also be waiting for the right moment to make a move. He’s nice and polite to you, but he doesn’t always text back fast or compliment you. He might touch you or tease you occasionally, but not too often. You should show him some interest, or ask him some questions about himself. He might open up more if he feels comfortable and confident around you.
  • 30–49: He likes you as a friend, but nothing more. He’s not showing any signs that he likes you more than a friend, but he’s not rude or mean to you either. He treats you like a buddy, but not like a potential partner. He might text you or hang out with you sometimes, but only in a platonic way. He doesn’t compliment you, touch you, or tease you in a romantic way. He doesn’t get jealous when you talk to other guys, or open up to you about his personal life. You should accept him as a friend, but don’t expect anything more from him. He might not see you as a romantic option, or he might be interested in someone else.
  • 10–29: He doesn’t like you at all. He’s showing all the signs that he doesn’t like you more than a friend, and he might even dislike you. He’s cold and distant to you or acts like you don’t exist. He never texts you first or responds to your texts. He never compliments you, touches you, or teases you in any way. He doesn’t remember anything about you, or ask you anything about yourself. He never tries to make plans with you, or gets jealous when you talk to other guys. He never opens up to you, or shows any interest in your life. You should forget about him, and move on to someone who deserves your attention and affection.

Now, if you want a guy to be obsessed with you and love you with all his heart, click here to see a secrete hack that has helped over 2,600 ladies get the guy they’re crushing on easily.

How to Act on Your Score

Now that you know how he feels about you, what should you do next? Depending on your score range, here are some tips on how to proceed with your crush:

  • 90–100: Go for it! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by making a move on him or telling him how you feel. He already likes you a lot, and he’s waiting for a sign from you that you feel the same way. You can be direct and confident with him, or subtle and playful. You can ask him out on a date or kiss him when the moment is right. You can tell him how much he means to you or write him a love letter. Whatever you do, don’t hesitate or doubt yourself. He wants to be with you as much as you do. He’s your perfect match, and you’re his. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Go for it and enjoy the love of your life!
  • 70–89: Flirt with him! You have a good chance of winning him over, but you need to show him some interest and encouragement. He likes you a lot, but he might be shy or nervous to make the first move. He might also need some confirmation that you like him back, before he takes the next step. You can be subtle and coy with him, or bold and daring. You can complement him on his looks, his personality, or his skills. You can touch him casually or hug him warmly. You can tease him playfully or laugh at his jokes. Whatever you do, don’t be afraid to flirt with him, and let him know that you’re into him. He’ll appreciate your attention and affection, and he’ll respond positively to your signals. Flirt with him and see where it leads!

Read Also: How to get your ex love back

  • 50–69: Show him some interest! You have a decent chance of getting him to like you more, but you need to make some effort and initiative. He likes you as a friend, but he’s not sure how you feel about him. He might also be waiting for the right moment or the right sign to make a move. You can be friendly and approachable with him, or curious and inquisitive. You can ask him about his hobbies, his goals, or his dreams. You can share some things about yourself or open up to him about your feelings. You can invite him to hang out with you or join him for something he likes. Whatever you do, don’t be passive or indifferent to him, and show him some interest in his life. He’ll notice your effort and initiative, and he’ll feel more comfortable and confident around you. Show him some interest and see how he reacts!
  • 30–49: Accept him as a friend! You have a slim chance of changing his mind, but you need to respect his feelings and boundaries. He likes you as a friend, but nothing more. He treats you like a buddy, but not like a potential partner. He might not see you as a romantic option, or he might be interested in someone else. You can be supportive and loyal to him, or fun and cheerful. You can enjoy his company or appreciate his friendship. You can be happy for him or wish him well. Whatever you do, don’t be clingy or needy to him, and accept him as a friend without any expectations. He’ll value your friendship and honesty, and he’ll respect your feelings and boundaries. Accept him as a friend and see if anything changes.
  • 10–29: Forget about him! You have no chance of making him like you more, and you need to move on to someone who deserves your attention and affection. He doesn’t like you at all, and he might even dislike you. He’s cold and distant to you or acts like you don’t exist. He doesn’t care about your life or show any interest in your feelings. He doesn’t want to spend time with you or get to know you better. Whatever you do, don’t waste your time or energy on him, and forget about him as soon as possible. He’s not worth your attention and affection, and he’ll never appreciate your value and worth. Forget about him and find someone who likes you for who you are!

Now, if you want a guy to be obsessed with you and love you with all his heart, click here to see a secrete hack that has helped over 2,600 ladies get the guy they’re crushing on easily.

How to Make Him Like You More

So, you’ve taken the quiz, and you’ve found out how he feels about you. But what if you’re not satisfied with your score? What if you want him to like you more than he does now? Is there anything you can do to make him fall for you?

The answer is yes, there is. While you can’t force someone to like you, you can influence their feelings and attraction by changing your behavior and attitude. There are some proven strategies that can help you make him like you more, or even make him fall in love with you. Here are some of them:

Be Yourself

The first and most important thing you need to do is to be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not or pretend to like things you don’t. Don’t change your appearance, your personality, or your values to impress him. He’ll see through your act, and he’ll lose respect and trust for you. Instead, be authentic and genuine with him. Show him your true self, with your strengths and weaknesses, your likes and dislikes, your dreams and fears. Let him see the real you, and he’ll appreciate your honesty and uniqueness. He’ll also be more likely to open up to you and share his true self with you.

Be Confident

You need to be confident. Don’t be insecure or doubtful of yourself or let him see your fears and insecurities. Don’t seek his approval or validation or depend on him for your happiness. Don’t be clingy or needy or suffocate him with your attention. Instead, be confident and independent. Believe in yourself, and your abilities. Be happy with yourself, and your life. Have your own goals, hobbies, and interests. Have your own friends, and social life. Be comfortable in your own skin, and don’t compare yourself to others. He’ll admire your confidence and independence, and he’ll respect your boundaries. He’ll also be more attracted to you and want to be part of your life.

Be Positive

Another thing you need to do is to be positive. Don’t be negative or pessimistic or complain about everything. Don’t be rude or mean or criticize him or others. Don’t be boring or dull or talk about mundane things. Instead, be positive and optimistic. Be grateful for what you have and look for the bright side of things. Be kind and compassionate or compliment him and others. Be fun and exciting or talk about interesting things. He’ll enjoy your positivity and optimism, and he’ll feel good around you. He’ll also be more interested in what you have to say and want to hear more from you.

Be Mysterious

Try to be mysterious. Don’t reveal everything about yourself or tell him everything at once. Don’t be predictable or obvious or do the same things all the time. Don’t be available or accessible or answer his texts right away. Instead, be mysterious and intriguing. Keep some things about yourself secret or tell him only bits and pieces at a time. Be unpredictable and surprising or do different things every now and then. Be busy or unavailable sometimes or make him wait for your reply sometimes. He’ll be curious about you and what you’re hiding, and he’ll want to know more about you. He’ll also be challenged by you and want to pursue you more.

Be Flirty

Another thing you need to do is to be flirty. Don’t be shy or timid or hide your feelings for him. Don’t be friendly or platonic or treat him like a friend. Don’t be subtle or vague or hope that he’ll get the hint. Instead, be flirty and playful with him. Show him that you like him more than a friend, and that you’re interested in him romantically. Use body language cues such as eye contact, smiling, touching etc., verbal cues such as compliments, teasing etc., non-verbal cues such as texting emojis etc… He’ll notice your signals and feel your attraction for him. He’ll also flirt back with you and feel more comfortable and confident around you.

Read Also: How to win your ex back after breakup.

How to Know If He Likes You Back

Photo by JD Mason on Unsplash

So, you’ve done everything you can to make him like you more, but how do you know if he likes you back? How do you know if he’s feeling the same way as you, or if he’s just being nice? How do you know if he’s ready to take things to the next level, or if he’s still unsure?

The answer is simple: you ask him. The only way to know for sure if he likes you back is to communicate with him. You can’t rely on signs or signals or hope that he’ll make the first move. You have to be brave and honest and tell him how you feel. You have to ask him how he feels about you, and what he wants from you.

Of course, this is easier said than done. It can be scary and risky to confess your feelings, or to ask him about his. You might be afraid of rejection, or of ruining your friendship. You might be nervous or anxious, or not know what to say. But trust us, it’s worth it. It’s better to know the truth, than to live in doubt and confusion. It’s better to take a chance, than to miss an opportunity.

Here are some tips on how to ask him if he likes you back:

Choose the right time and place

Don’t ask him when he’s busy or distracted, or when there are other people around. Don’t ask him when he’s in a bad mood or stressed out, or when he’s tired or hungry. Don’t ask him when you’re in a hurry or under pressure, or when you’re drunk or high. Choose a time and place when you’re both relaxed and comfortable, and when you have some privacy and intimacy. Choose a time and place when you can talk without interruptions or distractions, and when you can look into his eyes and touch his hand.

Be direct and clear

Don’t beat around the bush or play games with him. Don’t drop hints or send mixed signals. Don’t use vague or ambiguous words or phrases. Be direct and clear with him. Tell him exactly how you feel about him, and what you want from him. Use simple and straightforward language and be honest and sincere. For example, you can say something like:

  • “I really like you, and I want to be more than friends with you.”
  • “I have feelings for you, and I want to know if you feel the same way.”
  • “I’m attracted to you, and I want to date you.”

Be calm and confident

Don’t be nervous or anxious, or let your emotions get the best of you. Don’t be shy or timid, or let your fears stop you. Don’t be desperate or needy, or let your expectations overwhelm you. Be calm and confident with him. Breathe deeply and relax your body. Smile and look into his eyes. Speak with a clear and steady voice. Be positive and optimistic. Believe in yourself, and your feelings for him.

Be respectful and understanding

Don’t be rude or mean, or pressure him into giving you an answer. Don’t be angry or hurt or take his response personally. Don’t be stubborn or selfish or ignore his feelings and wishes. Be respectful and understanding with him. Give him some time and space to think about his answer. Listen to what he has to say and accept his response gracefully. Be supportive and compassionate and respect his feelings and boundaries.

Read Also: 9 ways to win your ex back after breakup.

Be ready for any outcome

Don’t assume that he likes you back, or that he’ll say yes to your proposal. Don’t expect that he’ll react the way you want him to, or that he’ll agree with everything you say. Don’t hope that he’ll change his mind, or that he’ll give you another chance. Be ready for any outcome with him. He might like you back and say yes to your proposal. He might not like you back and say no to your proposal. He might be unsure of his feelings and ask for some time to think about it.

Whatever his answer is, be prepared to deal with it.

Now, if you want a guy to be obsessed with you and love you with all his heart, click here to see a secrete hack that has helped over 2,600 ladies get the guy they’re crushing on easily.

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Shedrack Teryima

I'm a writer and a digital marketer. I share my experience in digital Marketing and social media marketing.