Why Valentines Day Traumatizes Me: Part 1

Teshie Akinyi
3 min readJan 22, 2022


(written in February 2015)


I know.. I know…… I went on yet another disappearing act. I guess I’ll start with the bad news. My ex boyfriend and I recently broke up…TWO days before valentines and a week before my birthday to be precise!!! like honestly…talk about ‘perfect’ timing. So yeah, I’ve been pretty down lately. and the worst part is that it happened on my blog’s one year anniversary. I remember I was just getting ready to put up a Happy Birthday blog post for Styletech when I received the text. And yes can you imagine it happened via text. . .the disrespect! *sigh* but anyway I’m not looking for a pity party. I’m just sharing this with you guys because talking about it has been helping me deal with it.

Moving on to greener pastures. . . My valentines ended up being pretty great actually. I spent it with some of my favorite girls…my big sister Aggie and Tracy.. We went for a beach concert which was like amaaaazing. Freshly Ground(a South African band) was performing and they just killed it! I really am gratetful to have these beauties in my life.

HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY TO STYLETECH! I can’t believe it’s already been a year since I started my blog.. I continue to thank all my readers for their support and hope that you’ll all continue showing my blog some love. I have such great ideas for my blog this year so stay keen and keep reading.

I moved into a new place this year and so far I really like it. My room is amazing and I’ve tried my best to make it look as homey as possible. Expect Part 2 of Student Room Decor Ideas over the next few days.

I also recently started going to sewing school. Saying I love it would be an understatement. My sewing teacher is such a doll. She’s like the perfect, most coolest grandma and even insisted that she’ll be my acting mum because my mum is not around. She’s also really talented and I can’t wait to show you guys some of the stuff she’s come up with. She makes like all her clothes. I’m so excited to learn and improve my skills and take Styletech to greater heights.

This year in school, I’m starting to work on my second major which is Information Systems which I’ll be doing alongside Computer Science. I’m excited for this course and my lecturer is just so good. I know they say we shouldn’t judge courses by the lecturers but honestly good lecturers make such a huge difference to one’s interest and even performance in the course.

(written in January 2022)

This breakup was a real turning point in my life. I lost my virginity later that year and had one of the wildest years of my life after I turned 20. I still highly suspect that one of the reasons this man dumped me was because I was not ready to have sex with him. He had no idea that I had spent the whole of my vacation in Kenya thinking about how I would lose it to him because I ‘loved’ him. Let me know if you want a more detailed article on this story. This is the first in a series of articles that explains why the whole concept of Valentines day traumatizes me. I always seemed to go through something really tragic with a lover around that time. (Stay tuned for more…)



Teshie Akinyi

I’m a 29 year old Kenyan female writer who loves sharing my personal experiences navigating life in my 20s in both Kenya and South Africa.