MFC: Microsoft Foundation Class or Mother Father Child?

Yuudai Ishihara
3 min readJul 23, 2023



In the world of software development, acronyms are ubiquitous, and one that has stood the test of time is MFC, which stands for Microsoft Foundation Class. However, just for fun, let’s humorously explore a whimsical interpretation of MFC and imagine it as an acronym representing Mother Father Child. As we embark on this playful journey, we’ll unravel the true essence of MFC while delving into its history, significance, and its role in the world of Windows application development.

The Birth of MFC

Microsoft Foundation Class, commonly known as MFC, came into existence with the release of Visual C++ 1.0 in 1992. Designed by Microsoft, it is a powerful C++ library that facilitates the development of Windows-based desktop applications. Over the years, MFC has remained an essential component of Microsoft’s development environment, assisting programmers in creating robust and feature-rich GUI applications.

Understanding the “Mother Father Child” Interpretation

While it is essential to clarify that MFC officially stands for Microsoft Foundation Class, we cannot resist the temptation to explore an amusing and lighthearted interpretation. Humorously, let’s think of MFC as the acronym for Mother Father Child.

Mother: The Foundation

In the context of this playful interpretation, “Mother” represents the foundation on which MFC was built. Just like a caring and nurturing mother, MFC provides a solid and supportive base for C++ developers to create Windows applications. It abstracts complex Windows API calls and intricacies, allowing developers to focus on implementing application-specific functionalities without worrying about underlying system details.

Father: The Creator

In this fanciful analogy, the “Father” embodies the creators of MFC — Microsoft. Similar to a knowledgeable and guiding father, Microsoft conceived MFC with the vision to simplify Windows application development. They provided a wealth of classes, templates, and tools, acting as a guiding light for developers to build sophisticated desktop applications.

Child: The Result

Finally, the “Child” represents the actual application developed using MFC. Like a child born from the efforts of dedicated parents, the application blossoms with the capabilities offered by MFC. From creating windows, dialogs, and controls to handling events and user interactions, MFC empowers developers to craft intuitive and functional user interfaces.

The Significance of MFC

Returning to its original acronym, Microsoft Foundation Class, let’s explore the true significance of MFC in the realm of software development.

  1. Native Windows Development: MFC enables developers to create native Windows applications with a consistent look and feel, ensuring seamless integration with the Windows operating system.
  2. Simplified GUI Development: By providing an extensive set of pre-built classes and controls, MFC simplifies GUI development, saving developers time and effort.
  3. Access to Windows API: MFC allows access to underlying Windows APIs, giving developers the flexibility to fine-tune their applications as needed.
  4. Longevity: Despite the advent of newer technologies like WPF and UWP, MFC has continued to be a viable choice for Windows application development, particularly for legacy applications or projects requiring native performance.


As we conclude our playful exploration of MFC as “Mother Father Child,” let’s remember that the true meaning of MFC is Microsoft Foundation Class — a remarkable library that has shaped the landscape of Windows application development for decades. Whether we humorously interpret it or stick to the conventional understanding, MFC remains a powerful and reliable tool in the arsenal of C++ developers, empowering them to build sophisticated and efficient Windows-based desktop applications.

