The World’s First Sustainability-Oriented, Decentralized Platform for AI MarketPlace and Machine Learning Project Crowdfunding

Teslafan Official
4 min readMar 15, 2021


Focused on addressing and solving sustainability issues, Teslafan is a decentralized, tokenized network, a next-generation AI marketplace, and a crowdfunding platform for funding machine learning projects.

We aim to be a key protocol by bringing together developers with core expertise in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning project schemes with investors who have particular capital projects experience and clearly and confidently perform leading project implementation technologies. Crowdsourcing contributes to emerging startups by connecting people from all parts of the world to help one another be successful.

TESLAFAN ecosystem offers a unique interface with 5 different pillars.

I. A Decentralized Crowdfunding Platform

A Decentralized crowdfunding platform allows startups to raise capital with Teslafan TESLF tokens for projects implementing artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning. Teslafan crowdfunding network unites people in a single platform to fund AI projects they are interested in. Teslafan’s mission is to help entrepreneurs thrive by giving them the capital and resources they need to complete their ideas.

II. An AI Marketplace

Developers and entrepreneurs can sell their AI projects with TESLF token via both B2B and B2C transactions. With the AI Marketplace, we are creating an ecosystem that builds precisely this bridge between AI providers and users. AI Marketplace is a platform where providers, users, and experts can jointly develop and exchange artificial intelligence solutions. Our vision is a marketplace that connects platform users and also provides a protected space for secure data exchange and data sovereignty.

III. The Donation for The Renewable Energy Charities

The donation for the renewable energy charities enables secure and decentralized contributions with Teslafan tokens to charitable organizations that support sustainable development. Using an innovative digital approach, we propose solutions for individuals with a social disadvantage to access affordable and reliable energy sources.

IV. Sentiment Analysis

Sensitivity analysis is used to evaluate renewable energy products in the market by analyzing, reading, and interpreting Big Data applying artificial intelligence and machine learning. Using sentiment analysis, one of the most interesting subfields of NLP, an AI branch that focuses on how machines process human language, we present to you subjective information about any renewable energy products by examining and classifying product opinions, evaluations, emotions, and attitudes.

V. A Stock Price Comparison Service

This is a service where anyone can find the best exchange to invest in companies known for their initiatives in the renewable energy sector. Teslafan allows investors to search through many deals and find the best stock exchange to buy, sustainable energy company stock, at the best price.

$TESFL — Teslafan Token

Teslafan token (TESLF) is a utility token that plays an essential role in the decentralized Teslafan ecosystem. To facilitate the use of the Teslafan network by everyone, only the TESLF token is accepted as a means of payment for each transaction. In a digital ecosystem that integrates renewable energy, blockchain technology, and artificial intelligence (AI), the Teslafan token offers individuals an innovative way to support AI projects.

Teslafan Token Burning

For those new to crypto, a token burn refers to removing a token from circulation, simply “burning” it. While many tokens might have an initial burn following launch, many make coin burns a part of their ecosystem. The burning mechanism is one of the other unique tools of the Teslafan token that we have enumerated. With every noteworthy step in the alternative energy industry taken by companies such as Tesla Inc, First Solar Inc, or Enphase Energy Inc, Teslafan will conduct a token burning event to evaluate the token ecosystem and protect the price while reducing supply. We design token burning to help the Teslafan community support renewable energy and associate with the community’s sense of growth.

What Are the Plans for Future Development?

As Teslafan, our principal goal is to contribute to the competitiveness of the AI ​​industry. For this reason, we are providing a decentralized ecosystem where developers of self-learning AI projects can fund their ideas wherever they are. Today, studies on Artificial Intelligence aim to reach what is called Artificial General Intelligence (A.G.I.), the ability to understand any intellectual task a person can do and solve all kinds of problems without human intervention. As novel ways to bring intelligence to machines are found, we will strengthen our platform so that these projects can further develop and reach all angel funders around the world in a decentralized way. As machine intelligence develops, so do we. We always focus on improvement to transcend our cognitive limits and step into a greener and sustainable future.

For more information and development news about Teslafan, follow us on our social media channels:

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Teslafan Official

The World’s First Sustainability-Oriented, Decentralized Platform for AI Marketplace and Machine Learning Project Crowdfunding