Dating as a Digital Nomad

My quest for love takes me across continents.



Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

In the last year, I’ve never spent more than a few weeks in the same city as someone I’ve dated. While my friends at home have on-and-off flings with their exes, my relationships tend to end with someone getting on an airplane.

I am a digital nomad. I make a living by working on my computer as a consultant, and I make a life by bouncing between countries, cultures, and time zones.

I don’t have a home, but I have worked from beaches where the sand is as white as pearls and the water is so clear that you can see the fish swimming at your feet. I touched the wall in a place where kings and queens were held as prisoners in England. I’ve walked through the ruins of ancient temples in Thailand. I’ve eaten at a Ramadan Bazaar in Malaysia (which, in my defense, was an accident — I forgot that most of the people there were fasting). But the thing that’s most incredible about my travels is the people that I’ve met and the people that I’ve loved.

When you’re on the road and spending a lot of time with other travelers, things move very fast. You meet someone, and a few hours later, you’re sharing things that you haven’t even told your friends from back home.




Author, freelancer, & digital nomad. Wrote a book about a forbidden love in a dystopian world of pollution, corruption, and inequality.