Changing My Diet Has Taught Me These Things About Wellness

My Wellness Journey Has Been Game-Changing!

Tessa Koller
3 min readJun 24, 2024
Image Couresy of Pexels

Now that I am 40, I care even more about eating clean and overall wellness than I ever have before.

In my twenties and thirties, I ate mostly whole and organic foods and cooked as often as I could. However, I did have moments when I wanted to eat like a teenager and just binge on all the sugary foods known to man. And, I did.

It wasn’t until a month or so ago that I had this game-changing thought about my diet and it was this:

I was hellbent on getting my quick fix of surgery sweetness not realizing that I was suffering long-term consequences afterwards.

Deep down, I knew that, but hearing the words out loud rewired my thought process and feelings toward how I approached emotional eating.

After this mindset shift, I broke up with processed foods and ice cream at my local stores and shops. I wasn’t sure if I’d have the strength or willpower to eliminate dairy and gluten. But, after an entire month, here I am, dairy and gluten-free.

In the months prior, I had received many messages from various sources alerting me about the benefits of leading a dairy-free, gluten-free lifestyle. All it took was that mindset shift to kick me into high gear.

Changing my diet has been a learning curve and I goofed up a couple of times believing that gluten wasn’t in a dish I ordered when it was. Aside from a few hiccups in my journey, I feel like an entirely new woman.

Recently, I discovered what has been going on with my health and draining me of everything I had. As you know, I have a myriad of health conditions that have worsened in my battle with post-Acute-COVID.

That life-sucking virus has overpowered me more than I’d like to admit. Changing my diet has allowed me to take my power back and resolve many ailments that were making it difficult to live in my body.

Of course, I have a ways to go before I resolve all my ailments. I am so, unbelievably, committed to this clean way of eating while ensuring I consume enough protein and nutrients each day.

I won’t be sharing what I’m doing with my diet specifically. Everyone has their preferences — we’re all different and what works for me might not work for you.

These days, wellness is my top priority and so is managing my stress. The food we eat can directly affect our brain and gut. How healthy my gut is determines everything with my health and daily functioning.

Throughout this diet journey, I’ve consulted with registered dieticians on and off the Internet to ensure I am doing this correctly.

Now that a month has passed since making this diet change, I’m noticing many differences in my skin, hair, digestive system, and heart. More importantly, I am all about longevity and being mindful of it each day.

Concluding Thoughts

Being forty means I must manage my diet and lifestyle differently than I did in my twenties and thirties.

Longevity is important to me and I have dozens of health conditions working against me. Changing my diet has changed my perspective — I am in control of my health, not the other way around.

Healing can only begin from the inside out, not outside in.

A few differences I’ve noticed in my clean-eating journey are: I have a clearer and quieter mind, more energy, and an improved handle on stress.

I still have healing left to do but I am more committed than ever before in my life.

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Tessa Koller

Writer, Motivational Public Speaker, Health/Well-being & Disability Advocate, World Traveler, and Artist