10 Honest Reasons Why Freelancing Sucks (And My Thoughts on How to Deal With Them)

Tessa Palmer
6 min readApr 2, 2018
Photo by Isaac Benhesed on Unsplash

“But surely it’s better than a 9–5?”

Yes, absolutely! But just know that there are times when freelancing sucks, too.

Before you get swept away with visions of working on the beach, do your research.

Know what you’re getting into.

If you’re thinking about diving into the world of freelancing then I think it’s important that you know about some of the downsides of this style of lifestyle too — it’s important to manage expectations.

I wrote this article so that you can successfully navigate your freelance career from the start and learn some honest reasons why freelancing isn’t always as it makes out to be.

“Don’t expect things to happen. It’s better to be surprised than to be disappointed.”

Reasons Why Freelancing (Sometimes) Sucks

Here are 10 reasons why freelancing sometimes sucks, written from my own personal experience:

1. It can be lonely

Freelancing for most of us means working from home. Without the face-to-face interactions of the daily office, it can sometimes feel a little…

