Pink October Musings: Between Chin-Ups and Check-Ups in Business

Tess Maribao
3 min readOct 2, 2023


Recently, as I was scribbling down details on a bio form for an upcoming speaking engagement, a question stood out: “What is the secret of your success?” Almost instinctively, I jotted down, “I always keep my chin up; otherwise, I’d be looking at my boobies all day!”

A giggle-worthy moment, right? Yet, beyond this jest lies the essence of resilience that women embody, especially during Pink October — Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Breast Cancer Awareness: A Serious Note

October paints our surroundings in varying shades of pink, a gentle yet powerful reminder of breast cancer’s prevalence and the importance of early detection and treatment. It’s not just a health concern; it’s a call for unity, support, and action, urging women worldwide to be vigilant and proactive about their health.

Business Realm: Battling Cancer-like Challenges

In the vast expanse of the business world, women often confront challenges that, metaphorically speaking, mirror the invasive nature of cancer:

  1. Misogyny & Gender Discrimination: An insidious presence that erodes the foundation of equality and mutual respect in many professional environments.
  2. Lack of Representation: A silent ailment, the dearth of women in leadership roles often goes unnoticed, perpetuating a cycle of underrepresentation.
  3. Unequal Pay: A persistent issue, much like a recurring ailment, that demands persistent treatment — in this case, through policy changes and organizational shifts.
  4. Sexual Harassment: An aggressive challenge that needs immediate and firm action, echoing the urgency with which we tackle cancer.

Digital Tools: The Remedies

The silver lining? The digital era provides a formidable arsenal of tools and platforms to counteract these challenges:

  1. Online Networking Platforms: Websites like LinkedIn empower women to build professional networks beyond traditional boundaries.
  2. Virtual Mentorship: Platforms such as Lean In offer guidance tailored for women, enabling them to navigate corporate challenges more effectively.
  3. Empowering Courses: Websites like Coursera and Udemy are treasure troves of knowledge, often catering specifically to women in business.
  4. Digital Support Groups: Think of these as your 24/7 support system. Platforms like Ellevate offer spaces for women to exchange stories, strategies, and solutions.
  5. Awareness Campaigns: With the might of social media, amplifying issues like harassment or gender bias becomes an achievable mission. Let your voice echo!

Circling Back: Pink October Reflections

While the theme of ‘chin-ups’ reminds us to face the business world with confidence and determination, our ‘check-ups’ — both in jest and earnestness — underscore the importance of vigilance in health.

The playful nuance of my bio reflects the essence of Pink October: a harmonious blend of humor and earnestness. It’s this equilibrium that often propels us forward, ensuring we tackle adversities with tenacity, but also with a lighthearted spirit.

If ever the digital landscape seems overwhelming or puzzling, email me at Together, we’ll journey through the digital environment, ensuring you maintain that chin-up attitude while always looking ahead with clarity and purpose.



Tess Maribao

I help bridge the gap between your business and the digital world by transforming your brand story from a once upon a time into a glorious happily ever after.