Terminal 101: Mastering the Basics of Command Line Magic

Ayhan Metin
2 min readAug 7, 2023


Welcome to Terminal 101, where we’ll learn simple steps to unlock the power of your computer’s command line.

1. ls

  • Lists directory contents.
  • Tip: Use ls -l for a long format listing with detailed information. Think of ls as your room's window. A quick peek and you'll know if it's messy or not!

2. rmdir

  • Removes empty directories.
  • Tip: We use rm mostly.

3. cd

  • cd is your teleport spell. Navigates between directories.
  • Tip: Typing cd ~ quickly takes you to your home directory.

4. mkdir

  • Creates a new directory.

5. cat

  • Shows what’s inside a file.
  • Tip: Concatenate two files using cat: file1.txt file2.txt > combined.txt.

6. man

  • Accesses the command’s manual.
  • Tip: Navigate with arrow keys or q to quit the man page.

7. less

  • Views large files page by page.

8. touch

  • Creates new files.

9. rm

  • Deletes files or directories.
  • Tip: To force to delete whether directory or not: rm -rf

10. echo

  • Display a message on the terminal.
  • Tip: — echo “Hello, World!” > file.txt — This will save “Hello, World!” in a file named file.txt without displaying it on the terminal. If file.txt already exists, this command will overwrite its contents. To append the text to the file instead of overwriting, use >>: — echo “Another line” >> file.txt -

Here's a little exercise for you

1. Navigate to your home directory:
cd ~
2. Make a directory called "Frankfurt":
mkdir Frankfurt
3. Move into `Frankfurt`:
cd Frankfurt
4. List the directory contents:
5. Make a text called "halloo":
touch halloo.text
6. Make a text called "gutenTag":
touch gutenTag.text
7. Overwrite both files in one command:
echo "Hallooooo" > halloo.text; echo "Guten taggg" > gutenTag.text
8. Concatenate two files using cat:
cat halloo.text gutenTag.text > combined.text
9. List the directory contents (again):
At this point, you should see the files
"halloo.text", "gutenTag.text", and "combined.text" listed.
10. Move out of `Frankfurt`:
cd ..
11. Delete `Frankfurt`:
rm -rf Frankfurt

