Extend iPhone battery life: How I still have more than 100% battery after 10 months

Viktor Dite
4 min readNov 12, 2023

You want to use your iPhone as long as possible and extend the “Battery lifespan” to the maximum? My iPhone 14 Pro is a pre-ordered device from September 2022 and it still has 100% battery! How did I manage that, when others have only 85 to 95%?

My iPhone 14 Pro is a pre-ordered device in September 2022 and still has 100% battery capacity! Many other users report 85 to 95% remaining capacity after only a few months. How do I manage to keep my iPhone’s battery life and performance at maximum for so long? Well In this detailed post I share my years of experience and tips with you.

My tips are not necessarily those recommended by Apple or other experts. But they work! And that too not anhang of one iPhone, but of several. My iPhone 13 Pro also still had 100% battery after a year when I sold it.

My son still has my iPhone 7 Max, which still has 79% battery, my mother still has my iPhone XS, which still has 89% battery and just my iPhone 14 Pro, which still has a whopping 100% battery — it even has more capacity than the one specified in the design ;-)

The life of a battery depends on many factors. Each charging cycle, i.e. recharging the empty battery, puts a strain on the battery chemistry. But high temperatures during charging and the number of partial charges are also important.

Minimize the number of charge cycles

My first tip is therefore to minimize the number of charging cycles. Really only plug the charging cable into the socket when you have to. Even short charging in the car or at the desk puts a disproportionate load on the battery.

Avoid partial charging

Second, avoid partial charges whenever possible. It’s much better for the battery to charge it from, say, 15 percent to 100 percent than from 60 percent to 80 percent multiple times. That’s why I consistently fully charge my iPhone every night, even when there’s still 50 or 70 percent remaining capacity. The charging electronics prevent overcharging.

Always charge with only a few watts

Thirdly, and this is particularly important to me: charge at a low speed, i.e. at 5 or 10 watts. Fast charging leads to high temperatures in the battery and accelerates chemical aging. Even if it takes longer: use the night for slow charging.

No case when charging!

Fourth, I always put my iPhone out of the case when charging. This allows the heat generated to dissipate better.

I have had excellent experiences over many iPhone generations with this combination of avoiding charging cycles, charging fully instead of partially, charging slowly, and dissipating heat. The batteries last significantly longer than with standard use.

As I said, my tips are not necessarily those recommended by Apple or other experts. But they work!

Tips to take with you

  • Avoid charging cycles: Minimize the number of charging cycles. Really only plug the charging cord into the outlet when you have to. Each charge cycle puts a strain on battery chemistry.
  • No short recharging in between: Not in the car, not at the desk.
  • If charge, then fully: It is better to fully charge the battery than to perform multiple partial charges.
  • Charge every night: The battery can not be overcharged, this is a myth! Use the intelligent charging of your iPhone.
  • Slow charge: Avoid fast charging, as high temperatures in the battery accelerate chemical aging. I always charge my iPhones with the 5W chargers.
  • No case when charging: This allows the heat generated to dissipate better.

Summary: How I still have more than 100% battery after 10 months

The battery life of iPhones can be massively extended by practicing careful charging. Fewer charge cycles, full charging, slow charging with good heat dissipation are the keys to sustained high battery performance. A good compromise between battery conservation and usability makes sense, and I hope my method will work for you too. What do you think? How do you handle it in your everyday life? Try these tips out for yourself and report back on your experiences!



Viktor Dite

Digital Native & Content-Creator seit 2006, SEO & Social Media Manager. https://mizine.de/impressum/