Saturday night’s sex party

2 min readJul 31, 2017

Saturday night’s party was great. Not a lot of obvious stories, unlike our other experiences, but the party was fun. While C and I had sex another girl was next to us, with her much older boyfriend, and the girl asked if she could touch C. C said yes; we fucked for an incredibly long time, with the other girl caressing C and kissing her breasts.

At some point I asked the other girl if I could kiss her, and she said no to kissing but yes to touching. So I played with her gorgeous tits, which were barely concealed underneath a diaphanous black garment, and ran a hand along her thighs and ass. But holding myself up on one hand, fucking, and fondling another girl all the same time cannot be long sustained.

C loved the fucking but was to overwhelmed to come. Not even her vibrator could send her over the edge. When we first began going to parties we saw almost no other women with toys, and now we see them all the time. Eventually I came and we disengaged and met our neighbours. Later, C chilled on the balcony while I talked to a pretty girl in pink slip who shared the name of a girl I chased in high school. At the same the girl was a “virgin till marriage” (so-called; typical dumb American pseudo-religious girl thing, which means we did a lot, perhaps up to “just the tip”), but in college she ditched the act and acted human.

Anyway. The girl in the pink slip wanted to be kissed and spanked and many other things. Her enormous tits were barely concealed and easy to bring out. She fell prey to neck kisses. I wish I’d brought rope; I’ve been practicing rope ties, learnt from the book at the link.

She strikes me as being camera-forward; perhaps you will see her here soon.

This morning on the way to coffee we were both sore, from the party and from yoga yesterday morning. People laugh at guys doing yoga, but what works, works. On the walk I kept looking about, at all the pretty girls on the street and wondering how many of them were indulging group sex last night. The regular world can seem pretty dull compared to the technicolor orgasmic beauty of the party. How many people really get what they want?




This is a repository for our writing about sexuality, non-monogamy, and sex positivity; it may be NSFW