Top Testing Mistakes Startups Make

Jason Hamilton
2 min readMay 21, 2015

This is a quick list of mistakes we constantly see:

  1. Making assumptions. (ex. it worked yesterday, last month etc)
  2. Missing the big picture. (does the whole team understand the whole app or site — is everyone testing?)
  3. Ignoring a small bug or design flaw. (symptom of a larger issue not found yet?)
  4. Not having a “bug-aware” culture. (does your team care? do you?)
  5. Not counting bugs monthly or daily. (do you have bug insights or metrics? and/or how to improve them moving forward?)
  6. Ignoring customer service metrics. (they are usually related to failed testing processes)
  7. Not calculating the bug-finder ratio. (Who finds most of your bugs? Customers, Testers, Management, Founder etc ?)
  8. Not accounting for your customers location. (What is the page response like in Australia?)
  9. Using an emulator to test. (Doesn’t catch modals or javascript properly or print screens and svg graphics)
  10. Only testing the front-end design?
  11. Only testing the back-end functionality?
  12. Can you see your watch your top customers actually use the product? Tools such as make this possible.
  13. Not having time (obvious)
  14. Not have resources (obvious)

Jason Hamilton-Mascioli is the Founder of Testlauncher, a web and mobile testing company offering on demand expert testers and full-service managed test services. Follow me @jason_hamiltonm or visit for more info.

