Time Locks Announce on chain

3 min readSep 13, 2021


Let’s learn how to check time locks announces.

Actions in critical contracts are protected by a 48-hour Time Lock to provide greater security to the Tetu users. It is possible to check if the Time Lock actions are already in effect or when they will take effect through Polygonscan, that’s what we’ll learn next.

Checking Time Lock announces

First we have to access the TetuProxyControlled contract.


So let’s go to item 11 timeLockInfosLength is a list containing the amount of all Time Locks announces, we can see that the item has a length of 229 Time Lock announces.

If you want to check the last announce search for 228 and to search for the first announce search for 0. To check the time lock announce type the time lock announce you want to see in the item 10. timeLockInfo and click in Query.

To find out whether the Time Lock action is already in action or not we have to search for the TimeLock we want to check. Add the address from the red box in item 12. timeLockSchedule and search for it.

If the result is 0 the Time Lock action is already in effect. If the result is numbers, it means the Time Lock action will be implemented at the end of the same number value in seconds. To make the conversion go to Unix Time Stamp and you will get the time when the Time Lock action will take effect.

Check opCodes

Still in TetuProxyControlled contract, go to contract implementation (contract > read contract > implementation)

In implementation click in Contract.

Finally find the IAnnouncer.sol item to check the opCodes. It is the item 16.

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