Lessons in Leadership and Courage: The Rosa Parks Story

Teweli Kyara Mworia
4 min readDec 1, 2023


68 years ago today, the course of history changed as one brave woman refused to surrender her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus. As a black seamstress and civil rights activist, Rosa Parks’ refusal to give up her seat to a white passenger sparked a massive boycott of the bus system, leading to a Supreme Court ruling that ultimately declared segregation on public transportation illegal.

Beyond her fearless act of defiance, Rosa Parks was a symbol of #grit, #perseverance, and #determination. Rosa Parks taught us a valuable lesson that is still relevant today: we can fight for our beliefs by not tolerating everyday acts of injustice and oppression. Her act of defiance was not an isolated incident, but part of a larger movement that challenged the status quo and demanded equal rights and opportunities for all. Her courage and conviction inspired generations of activists and leaders who continue to work for a more just and inclusive society.

Her arrest sparked a massive boycott of the bus system by the black community, who made up about 75% of the ridership. The boycott was coordinated by the Montgomery Improvement Association, led by a young and charismatic pastor named Martin Luther King Jr. For 381 days, the black residents of Montgomery walked, biked, carpooled, or hitchhiked to work, school, church, and other places, enduring harassment, intimidation, and violence from the white supremacists. They also filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the segregation laws.

Their struggle paid off. In November 1956, the Supreme Court ruled that the segregation of public transportation was illegal, and the buses were desegregated in December of that same year. The boycott was a huge victory for the civil rights movement, and a turning point in the career of Martin Luther King Jr., who would go on to become the most influential voice for racial equality.

The victory came at a high cost for Rosa Parks. She lost her job as a seamstress and received constant threats and harassment. She and her husband had to relocate to Detroit, Michigan, in 1957, where she continued to work for civil rights until her death in 2005.

She became a national icon and a symbol of #dignity and #resistance. She received numerous honors and awards, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold Medal. She is the only woman in American history to lie in honor at the Capitol.

Her #selflessness and #leadership shed light on the ongoing struggles for justice and equality, and it is our duty to carry on her legacy and work towards a more just and inclusive society. Today, we remind ourselves of the power of courageous actions, as we continue to strive for change in our world.

Rosa Parks was not just a passive victim of injustice. She was an active agent of change, who inspired millions of people to stand up for their rights and dignity. She showed us that one person can make a difference, and that sometimes, the most powerful weapon is a simple word: No.

Four Leadership Lessons

  • Rosa Parks’ actions demonstrated the importance of #courage in the face of adversity, a trait that is essential in our daily lives and in the corporate world. Having the courage to speak up against unfair policies or unethical behavior can drive necessary changes that benefit society as a whole.
  • Similarly, the importance of #perseverance is crucial to achieve a goal that may seem insurmountable. In the corporate world, perseverance is vital to stay committed and dedicated to overcoming obstacles that we may encounter when trying to accomplish company goals.
  • Rosa Parks’ #selflessness teaches us about the importance of putting the needs of the community or our team before our own personal interests. Selflessness could manifest itself in being a team player, helping others achieve their goals, or being willing to take on tasks that need to be done even if they are not glamorous.
  • Lastly Rosa Parks did not act alone, she collaborated with a larger movement that challenged the status quo and demanded equal rights and opportunities for all. #Collaboration is also crucial in the corporate world, as it allows us to leverage the diverse talents, perspectives, and experiences of our colleagues and partners, and to create innovative solutions that meet the needs and expectations of our customers and stakeholders. Collaboration also fosters a culture of trust, respect, and mutual learning, where we can share our ideas and feedback, and grow together as a team.

These lessons teach us that embodying #courage, #perseverance, and #selflessness in the leadership journey can help create a more inclusive and productive environment for all. By demonstrating these traits, corporate leaders can inspire and motivate their teams to achieve greater success and contribute to positive change both in the company and in society as a whole.

#Selfless #Leadership #Courage #Grit #Perseverance #Determination #Collaboration #RosaParks #Equality #Justice #Inspiration #Legacy #Activism



Teweli Kyara Mworia

I write about random muses. I like to explore different topics and themes that catch my attention and spark my curiosity.