Oops! They Cloned It Again

Mysti-Gayle Fett
3 min readNov 4, 2023


Welcome, dear readers, to a world where clones, plastic surgery, and Hollywood collide in a hilarious frenzy! Have you ever wondered if Britney Spears has a secret twin running around? Or if the city of Los Angeles is secretly a cloning factory? Well, hold onto your scalpels and follow us into the crazy world of celebrity clones and Hollywood’s fascination with plastic surgery.

It’s no secret that Hollywood is obsessed with eternal youth and beauty. It’s the land where botox flows like water, and facelifts are as common as morning coffee. But what if I told you that the real secret to staying forever young lies in the mysterious world of celebrity clones?

Let’s start with the “Oops!… I Did It Again” hitmaker, Britney Spears. While she may have risen to stardom as a pop sensation, many speculate that she has a clone or two (or maybe three) hiding in plain sight. Have you ever noticed how she manages to maintain that iconic youthful glow despite the passage of time? Some believe that’s because she’s got a secret army of Britney clones ready to step in whenever the original Britney needs a break. It’s like a high-tech version of musical chairs, only instead of changing seats, you change Britneys!

But that’s not all, folks! Hollywood has been busy cooking up all kinds of celebrity clones. You’ve got your classic Arnold Schwarzenegger clones, built for action movies and endless one-liners. There are also Jennifer Aniston clones, designed for their ageless hair and unbeatable comedic timing. And of course, who could forget the Kanye West clones, each one programmed to interrupt award show speeches with impeccable timing?

Now, before you start scratching your head and wondering if this is all a conspiracy theory, let’s talk about Hollywood’s love affair with plastic surgery. It’s no secret that Hollywood stars often turn to the scalpel to maintain their youthful appearance, but the results can sometimes be a bit… well, over the top. We’ve all seen those celebrities who go a little too far and end up looking like they’ve been stung by a hive of angry bees. But don’t worry; there’s a solution for that too — just clone yourself and start fresh!

Picture this: A celebrity goes in for a routine botox treatment, but the procedure goes a tad haywire. Instead of looking 10 years younger, they end up looking like a cross between a startled owl and a pufferfish. No problem! Just send in the clone, and no one will be the wiser. It’s like hitting the reset button on your face!

The best part is that Hollywood’s obsession with plastic surgery and clones often leads to some hilariously unexpected moments. You might be watching a movie, and suddenly, the star’s face looks like it’s made of wax. It’s like a surprise cameo appearance by Madame Tussaud’s! And let’s not forget the classic “cat lady” look — you know, the one where someone gets so much plastic surgery that they start to resemble a feline friend. We’re just waiting for the day they cast a cat as a leading lady in a romantic comedy.

In the end, Hollywood’s love for celebrity clones and plastic surgery might seem absurd, but it’s all part of the industry’s charm. It’s a place where the pursuit of perfection sometimes takes a hilariously twisted turn. So, the next time you see a celebrity who looks like they just stepped out of a sci-fi movie or suspect that Britney Spears is hiding her clones in a secret bunker, just remember — it’s all in the name of showbiz.

As we bid adieu to this delightful journey into the bizarre world of Hollywood, one can’t help but wonder: Are we sure that we’re not secretly living in a reality TV show where the main characters are plastic, cloneable celebrities? Whether it’s true or not, one thing’s for sure — Hollywood’s obsession with plastic surgery and celebrity clones will keep us laughing and guessing for years to come!



Mysti-Gayle Fett

An artist/model/bartender/travel agent with a cosmic curiosity. Embracing diverse passions and exploring the unknown one brushstroke at a time. 🎨✈️🍹👽