Tezos-Nodes — reliability rating Tezos public bakers. Version 2.0

New features, improvements and highlights

Tezos Nodes
4 min readMar 14, 2020
Key and future functions of the Tezos-nodes.com project


Our team congratulates the entire Tezos community on entering in Carthage. It is incredible to witness the evolution of the Tezos blockchain. Words of delight and admiration for the development teams and bakers who helped in the testing Carthagenet 🎉

With activation Protocol Carthage 2.0 in Tezos blockchain basic rewards now for baking block is 40 XTZ, and for endorser — 1,25 XTZ. Thus, a missed block will “weigh” 32 times more than endorser. And before, the ratio was 1 to 8. We change our formula for calculating Efficiency, this is to balance performance. Now the formula calculate Efficiency looks like this:

Efficiency = (([Baking All] - [Baking Miss] + [Baking Steal]) * 32 ) + ([Endorsement All] - [Endorsement Miss]) / [Baking All] * 32 + [Endorsement All]

Tezos Foundation Grant

We are very encouraged by the support of our project by the Tezos Foundation and we thank the TF grants working group, you are professionals in your field. Thank you for your trusting. Right now we are developing a prototype mobile app, which should be a useful tool for the Tezos community. At the moment, the software core and shell are ready, by the end of March we plan to begin testing on such platforms as iOS and Android. We will inform about the testing progress and, if necessary, selectively provide prototypes for the test to those who are interested.

Tezos-Nodes App designe prototype

Tezos-Nodes.com V2.0

After six months of work, we received a lot of feedback from community members about our rating of bakers and about the reliability system that we invented to make it easier for delegates to choose a reliable Baker. Today, our ranking system covers 10 most important criteria for choosing a reliable Baker. After analyzing the feedbacks, we came to the conclusion that the ranking system was useful for most users, so we decided not to change the technology for evaluating bakers, but improved it, and now the final values are more accurate.

10 key criteria for choosing Tezos bakers by Tezos-nodes.com

We still leave the highest percentage of reliability points for such criteria as efficiency and % of the fee for services, but we do not neglect the other important criteria for selecting bakers.

Why is Efficiency the most important criterion when choosing a Baker ?

Efficiency is the ratio of correctly baked blocks and endorsers to missed baking blocks and endorsers for various reasons, as well as steal of baking blocks from other bakers who, for one reason or another, missed the baking of their own block.

If the baker’s efficiency low, you will receive fewer XTZ rewards than you should.
If the baker’s efficiency is above 100%, this means that he bakes the blocks assigned to him well, and also bakes blocks other bakers who could not bake for some reason and missed the opportunity to make XTZ for you

The precise of a baker’s payment, which has a low efficiency, may be ideal, but the size of the rewards in XTZ directly depends on the efficiency.

For example:

Your Baker is assigned to bake exactly 100 XTZ in per cycle. Baker will be able to bake 100 XTZ, provided that he correctly baked all the blocks and endorsements that were assigned to him and as a reward he will receive 100 XTZ.

For some reason, your baker misses 1 block of baking and approval and loses the opportunity to earn 100 XTZ for you, instead he earns only 60 XTZ as a reward.

And distributes the reward of 60 XTZ to his delegates instead of the possible 100 XTZ.

We encourage You to pay attention to the effectiveness of the Baker first. Agree, because it is better if the Baker will pay you the rewards as much as he should and not as much as he could.

We recommend choosing a public Tezos baker with the best efficiency.

Features Tezos-nodes.com

New design

We modernized our website design and make it more convenient for users based on the standards of UX/UI. We hope you will enjoy the new design.

Main page Tezos-nodes.com

Calculator rewards by Tezos-Nodes

Tezos-Nodes Reward Calculator allows you to compare the rewards you can get when you delegate your (XTZ) tokens to public bakers, which is based on their annual Yield and Efficiency as well as their fee to provide the service.

Calculator rewards Tezos-Nodes

Public API interface

Tezos-Nodes API can used to integrate information resources into any project that will add value to Tezos. The API is intended for developers and is accompanied by detailed documentation.

Thank you! Stay tuned!

And choose Tezos Baker wisely on Tezos-nodes.com

