Project 3

4 min readNov 6, 2019


Histogram Paragraph

Histograms are completely about the different exposures and lighting effects of an image. A Histogram is a model to show the different tonal levels that are contained in an image. The shape of a Histogram means many different things. If you were to take an image and drag the entire Histogram all the way to the left, it would be underexposed with really dark colors. If you were to take an image and drag it all the way to the right, it would be way too bright with a very high exposure. Histograms are so important because they allow you to see how your image is balanced, and they allow you to properly balance the color tones of your image to make it the best as possible.

Photoshop and Lightroom Experience

By taking some of the images that I have shot in this class and looking at their Histograms, I noticed a lot of things. It was really interesting to look at different photos that were sometimes very similar, (nature shots) and see that they had totally different histograms. I was able to usually tell if a picture was going to be overexposed or not. It was also interesting to look at what part of the Histogram meant for the image. Sometimes the tallest point on the image meant that there were a heavy amount of shadows or even color balance.

Application Paragraph

It was interesting taking photos in different exposures. This whole application process has really opened my eyes on how drastically you can make the same photo feel just with different exposures. You can be in the exact same lighting and just alter a few settings on your DSLR and your picture will come out totally different. This whole concept is very cool and allows anyone to create photos how they like. I enjoyed shooting on slightly lower than normal exposures to make them pop a lot more.


Exposure compensation is when you alter the exposure of a shot you are about to take so that it can be correctly exposed. You can move it to the left or to the right depending on if you want a lighter or darker exposure. You can tell if a photograph is correctly exposed by looking at the Histogram. You need to look at all of the different values on the histogram and determine what values may need to be altered or changed to balance the photo however you may like.


White Balance


I wanted to choose a well balanced photo for the histogram example because it was balanced correctly and the histogram was nice looking


I wanted to use this picture because I have shot this same photo in many different exposures.

Exposure Compensation

Under Exposed

Correctly Exposed

Over Exposed

