25 Ways To Improve Your Posture

Tammer Farid
18 min readJul 20, 2020
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

Posture is complex. Often delineated as good or bad, with little to no appreciation for its complexity.

In the same way that savvy fitness and health professionals are removing morality and judgment from food choices, body size, and individual exercises, so, too should we approach posture.

There is no such thing as “good” and “bad” postures. All postures lie on a continuum. On one end of that continuum are inelastic postures. And on the other end, adaptable postures.

Having a more adaptable posture means your body can assume multiple orientations in space and safely perform a plethora of movement solutions with little restrictions and pain.

Inelastic postures are most commonly seen with individuals who are sedentary, highly-stressed, and under-nourished. An inelastic posture is rigid, tense, and achy. An inelastic posture leads to less overall movement, limited safe movement options, and the likelihood of pain or discomfort.

So how do we develop the postures we have?

The aspects affecting our posture span a whole host of biological, psychological, and social influences. Your age, genetics, bone structure, workout program, injuries, sports, tissue extensibility, circulatory system health, breathing mechanics are some of the biological/physical factors. The…



Tammer Farid

Basketball Coach. Health and Performance Coach. Sharing how I develop skills and create change for myself and others. https://zaap.bio/coachtammerfarid