Tanzania Fellowship of Churches
3 min readJun 3, 2018


Tanzania Fellowship of Churches (TFC) is a “Cell Church” founded in 1998 to connect “like-faith” congregations throughout the nation of Tanzania and worldwide, to glorify God through obedience to the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ [Matthew 28:19–20] by bringing individuals to personal faith in Christ and helping them toward maturity in Him.

Based in Tanzania’s capital city, Dar-es-Salaam, TFC under the visionary leadership of Pastor Godfrey Emmanuel, plants or initiates fellowships, churches and other related ministries to maintain evangelism and the making of disciples in Tanzania and worldwide.

Through its cell group system, TFC has a compassionate involvement in service to both individuals and families in communities. TFC is on a mission to see the restoration of the early church mentioned in the book of Acts 2:41–47 in these last days.

A cell church with a vision and purpose, TFC is a community based church organizing families into home based churches thus forming “cells.” As a church planter, the main obligation of TFC is to transform communities into safe, habitable and friendly neighborhoods, through cell groups that reach out to their families and the community around them by living exemplary purpose filled life.

TFC is registered with the Ministry of Home Affairs Societies Registration №12184. Now in its 10th year since it begun operating, TFC has 15 Cell Churches in 10 regions of Tanzania. It is the pioneer of cell churches in Tanzania and the Chief organizers of the Tanzania National Overnight Prayer www.mkeshamkubwa.org

TFC is involved in nation building activities such as educating and equipping the youth, through seminars, to impact nations and become law abiding citizens, fight against poverty, HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns, environment protection, parental and family education, etc.

Together we’re reaching our communities for Jesus Christ!


The City Christian Fellowship (CCF), a City Cell Church, was formed in 1989 by a group of believers that had come out from various religious denominations in the city of Dar es Salaam, and were meeting at the Lutheran Church in Magomeni Mviringo every Sunday afternoon.

The newly formed interdenominational fellowship was named Magomeni Christian Fellowship (MCF) at its inception, and seven (7) years later changed to City Christian Fellowship. With no formal training but equipped with the zeal to serve the Lord, they began to pray for those who had problems and various needs; started a choir; and did evangelism in Hospitals. It wasn’t until 1992 that the fellowship had an opportunity to study DISCIPLESHIP through a three months course which was conducted by a team of teachers from Youth With A Mission, led by Jeremiah Kiwinda. At the end of the Discipleship course they were well equipped and boosted to continue with their house to house evangelism which they had began earlier without any know-how. In September 1992 the fellowship began powerful evangelistic missions in Magomeni and the neighborhoods such as Boko and beyond to other regions like: Pwani (Chalinze); Morogoro (Kilosa, Kimamba); Mwanza (Segerema); Shinyanga (Idukilo); Singida; and Kilimanjaro (Mwika).

It was in the early months of 1996 when the Lord, through His servants, spoke to the then members of Magomeni Christian Fellowship (MCF) that time had come for them to move from Magomeni Mviringo to a new location He had prepared for them. The Word of God that came to them was from Revelation 18:4 and Isaiah 43:19 reminding them; “not to remember the former things; that God was doing a new thing and that He was going to give them a new name.” On October 27, 1996 during fellowship meeting, the then leader of MCF Pastor Godfrey Emmanuel enlightened the members about what the Lord had embedded on his heart concerning the vision of restoring the early church in the book of Acts in the last days. After an exhaustive explanation those convinced agreed with one purpose that they had to make a move.

On November 3, 1996 MCF moved from Magomeni Mviringo to Dar es Salaam Technical College, and it was during this exodus to the new location that City Christian Fellowship (CCF) was birthed. The group began to fellowship in the Dining Hall of Dar es Salaam Technical College, and the offices were set up behind the Umoja wa Vijana wa CCM building (Joy Park). It was during the same time that Pastor Godfrey Emmanuel incorporated them to the vision he had received from the Lord, the cell vision (Acts 2:41–47) concerning the “Cell Churches” and the abandonment of the house to house church system. Pastor Godfrey himself conducted the teachings about the “Cell Vision” and thereafter the distribution of cells and sections began.

