Terraformer IDO Details and Guidelines for DeFiato

3 min readFeb 15, 2022


This article will guide you through all of the processes necessary to take part in the DeFiato IDO, which will take place on TFM.com on February 22nd.

We strongly advise checking the Research Page, Tokenomics & Distribution directly on our Terraformer platform (TFM.com) before you participate.

IDO Timeline

Key Metrics

Ticker: DFIAT

Blockchain Network: ERC20 and CW20

Token Supply: 250,000,000

Project Valuation: $20,000,000

Initial Token Circulation: 14,550,000

Initial Market Cap: $1,164,000

Platform Raise: $300,000

Ticket Size: $500

Public Sale Price: $0.08

KYC Verification

The first requirement to participate in every IDO on tfm.com is to complete the KYC (Know Your Customer) process. You can access it here.

This article explains how to do it: https://medium.com/@tfm.com/how-to-do-the-kyc-terraformer-58dbd3c43044

Please note that you only need to complete our KYC verification once, and it will be valid for all our future IDOs.

Connect your Terra Wallet

While completing the KYC, you will need to connect your Terra Wallet. If you don’t have one yet, here you can learn how to create it: https://medium.com/@tfm.com/how-to-create-a-terra-wallet-using-chrome-extension-bc20ea7c9827

NOTE: You should only use the Terra Station wallet for our IDOs. Other wallets, for example, MetaMask, will not work.

Register for the lottery

Participation in the IDO is decided on a lottery basis. Registration starts on the 20th of February 12:00 UTC and ends on the 22nd of February at 12:00 UTC. This is NOT based on first come first serve, and you will have 48 hours to complete the registration. To ensure lottery winners can participate successfully, you will need to have at least 503 UST in your wallet to register (the extra 3 UST is to cover any transaction fees). When registration opens, click “Participate” to register.

Lottery results

A lottery will take place once the registration closes. Lottery winners will be announced at 14:00 UTC on the 22nd of February (two hours after the registration closes). There will be a total of 900 lottery winners. Wallet addresses of the lottery winners will be published on our website and shared via a google document on our social media (Telegram and Twitter).

The ticket size for each wallet to contribute to the DeFiato IDO is 500 UST. This means each successful wallet will be able to purchase 6,250 $DFIAT at IDO, and the maximum number of wallets to participate will be 600.

This also means that of the 900 lottery winners, only 600 will be able to participate in the IDO sale.

IDO Sale

Any wallet from the 900 lottery winners will be eligible to participate in the sale which opens at 15:00 UTC on the 22nd of February. However, only the first 1,500 who successfully deposit the required 500 UST will be accepted. Therefore, if you are one of the 600 lottery winners, please make sure you have the required UST in your wallet BEFORE the sale opens (we recommend 503 UST minimum to also cover any potential transaction fees), and contribute as soon as you can (this stage is first come first serve).

There is a window of 6 hours for the IDO contribution. The deadline for contributions is 21:00 UTC on the 22nd of February. However, due to the high demand for participating in this IDO, we expect the sale will end much earlier than the deadline. Therefore, please join the sale as promptly as you can to avoid disappointment.

Token distribution

Participants will be able to claim their tokens on the tfm.com website according to the vesting schedule below. We will make another announcement in due course.

Vesting schedule

20% TGE, 3-months cliff, 8.89% monthly

Learn more. Be updated. Connect with us on social media:

Website: https://tfm.com/

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/terraformer

Telegram Community: https://t.me/terraformerchat

Twitter: https://twitter.com/terraformer

Medium: https://medium.com/@tfm.com

