Why I’m opening a Coding School in China

Thibault Genaitay
3 min readSep 9, 2016


I was first introduced to coding when I was 13 years old and realized it gave people the power to build incredible things.

Fast-forward to 2016. I have had the chance to meet amazing people in China: from marketers to consultants, communicants and creative people ; they were all driven by the passion of building a better brand-client relationship thanks to online services.

Still, over the past years, I had to constantly fill in a huge gap between my friends the Programmers and… all the others: They were designing digital solutions but couldn’t understand IT requirements ; They would buy&sell software products but wouldn’t understand how it works. Not at all.

As software is now eating our daily brain time and disrupting our world, I have the strong belief that programming languages are a new kind of alphabet. Something that we should all be familiar with, quickly.

The engineers had the opportunity to learn programming during their time in faculty ; The curious geeks went through the great online courses available out there. There’s something we must do to help the non-technical people left behind. “Program, or be programmed”…

That is why I’m opening a Coding School for creative people and entrepreneurs. In China. One of the most connected and fast-changing markets in the World. Where there is a huge demand of technical talents and smart product-oriented people.

Bring technical skills to creative people

The mission of this education program is to bring the technical know-how and soft skills required to thrive in our digital product world. Our students will learn to code the startup way. Then they can land an exciting job where they bridge the gap between the great creatives, the talented sales, and the engineers to collaborate a lot better. They will innovate and execute faster some smart ideas, together.

We’re already working with passionate code teachers and mentors willing to share to the young generation. If you are in Shanghai and if you’d like to be involved in our mission, hit me up! > shanghai@lewagon.org

Want to become a web developer in 2 months?
> https://www.lewagon.com/shanghai



Thibault Genaitay

Bringing tech skills to creative people, one bootcamp at a time.