Termite Inspection: An Important Step in the Termite Damage Repair Process

3 min readFeb 7, 2017


The most ferocious enemy of homeowners and general living people are termite. They are not dangerous but the situation they create among st the people makes them annoyed at this pest. They most of time live inside your home and the wooden furniture are their main target to damage from days to long for years. They are never compared to other pests of home because they keep them hide and never come out of their creed until they finished furniture completely. Termites have been assisting for over 250 million years and they cope with the living system according to the changes of season and weather. You will be wonder to know that the Americans spend not less than $5 billion both for termite treatment and the damages they cause you go pest control service in online

What are Termites?

They look like white ant’s and if you once see them you will be in confusion to be sure of the termite. They are similar in size and have same color as ants have the real reason for being similar as a small ant. Homeowners and commercial owners most of time make mistakes to recognize or to make differentiate between the ant and termite. Taking this opportunity the termite enters into the apartment or business and make a lot of damages to them. They are also referred to ‘white ants’ which are often confused with the normal ants. Because of their similar sizes, they can easily be mistaken by the homeowners and the commercial property owners. The termites have a pale or white color, and straight and beaded antennas. There are 45 different species of termites in USA. The termites are classified with their names and they are three in numbers:-

1. Damp wood Termites:

The Damp wood termites look like of Kalotermitidae and Hodotermitidae families. They loves to live inside thrives of wood that has much moisture. As the wooden furniture are also look like the trees structures so the termites like to stay inside our wooden things. The get the same condition and comfort to live both inside the tree and homemade things of wood. This is the reason why we have to face them inside our home or business.

2. Subterranean Termites-

This a very rare species of termite which comes from the Rhinotermitidae family. This type of termite lives under the soil and destroy plants root. They make the mud tubes linked to their nests on the food sources. Thus they may search for food nearby like the trees, patios, decks or fences.

3.Dry wood Termites-

This specie is found in the Kalotermitidae family there they are seen in the wood that has dried naturally. Inside the dead trees or have been treated to keep the moisture off like seasoned timbre and the hardwood floors they live peacefully. The significant damages of your houses are made by some species. The dry wood termites are typically smaller than the subterranean type, So infestation of this pests cause In a very slow process.

An Inspection is very necessary before the Operation :

The first step of treatment for the termites is to be inspection and in this way it will be safe to prevent. Its very important to inspect the real and risky termites that should be confirmed before you take any step to make them ruined. Before an operation to be remove termites you have to check your home over and over to be sure of the proper termite and their numbers too. Examining them you can start your process to remove the termites from your house successfully.

Commission a Professional Termite Contractor

If you involve any expert or professional for removing termite then you should fix a commission for him. The professional keeps the best inspecting ability to find out the termites that can really be harmful or may cause serious damage for our homes. You will call the professional to ensure your living safety by his consultation and he is promised to repair your damages that are caused by termites. Also, the termites seldom infest the building and also been gnawing on everything, which should be checked too.

Completely the inspection of termite’s quality and quantity has become a burning question for you. You have no hurry to all a professional but to be quick to get the best pest control company for getting perfect inspection of the termites. They will provide you the best service for your houses and offices for the repair damages that termites caused.

