Peter Miller
1 min readAug 27, 2021


Great piece!

It was fascinating to see the screenshot of the FLCCC's I-MASK+ protocol, in this link. In that version, they recommended taking ivermectin once a month, to prevent covid:

It seems that's ramped up, over time.*/

In April, they recommended ivermectin every 2 weeks. In July, they said to take it every week. Today, they say to take it twice a week.

It would be fascinating to understand why the FLCCC has increased the dosage over time. Has the group seen evidence that ivermectin was not working to prevent covid and increased the frequency of doses?

More cynically, is someone profiting from prescribing this drug, such that increasing the doses used brings in more profit?

It sounds like the going rate for an ivermectin telemedicine prescription is about $90, and users report paying between $100 and $200 to fill the prescription:

