Peter Miller
1 min readAug 31, 2020


Kyle Rittenhouse is an American hero who defended himself from antifa terrorists.

Kyle cleaned up his city. He tried to put out fires that night. He brought a medkit to help victims of the violence.

Then, Kyle was chased by a violent, older man who tried to assault him. Kyle defended himself.

Then, Kyle ran to immediately turn himself in to the police. But 3 more men assaulted him. One kicked him in the head, another beat him with a skateboard, and a third pulled a pistol on him.

Kyle shot two of these men, in self defense, then promptly tried to turn himself in to police.

And the lying media has tried to paint Kyle as a violent militia member or white supremacist (when all 3 of his attackers were white).

What we really need to worry about is the lying media and writers, like Jared, who give cover to this dangerous and violent antifa movement that is sweeping the streets of our cities.

We should also worry about the antifa terrorists in places like Portland. The local police will catch and release them, until they execute people on the street.

