How to Create a Self-Updating for Your GitHub Profile

A good tutorial to do your first steps with GitHub Actions

Thomas Guibert
The Startup


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

GitHub recently released a feature that allows users to create a profile-level file, that is displayed on your profile page, above repositories.

That’s a great feature you can use to display more information about yourself and your work, especially because it allows more content than the regular profile bio.

You might have noticed how people went crazy and are already pushing the limits of what can be done with Markdown and GitHub!

Thomas Guibert’s Profile page

Above is my GitHub README at the time of writing this article.

I use it to tell it more about myself, show a list of my Open Source Projects and their status. Which is also useful for me as I can see quickly if I have any new open issues on them.

Now, more exciting, I made it self-updating, so I can give “live” information about the city where I live, Stockholm:



Thomas Guibert
The Startup

Frontend engineer by day, ☀️ Aspiring Solidity engineer by night! 🌝 — Read more from me: