2 min readNov 11, 2019

What does Excellence mean to you?

The word “excellence” is tossed around mostly in leadership and creative circles these days. A truth is….that not everyone can agree with a person’s definition of excellence. All of us have our own perception of what excellence is. Different people, define excellence differently.

So…what does Excellence mean to you?

As for me, excellence is to continuously build inner strength and overcome all life challenges. Life isn’t always going to be a smooth sailing journey but all our failures, mistakes and downfalls are what makes us excellent and resilient individuals.

Personally, I would agree that he or she is excellent owing to their resilience through hardships and not by their attained quality of life. As in the amount of money they make or the job or reputation they uphold.

How do we achieve excellence? To put it into simple words, do the right thing. Excellence is the result of caring about what we do, and of putting our very best effort into what we care about. It is an outward expression of inner integrity, passion and a strong sense to make a true difference. Our skills and abilities or the resources or information we have should not become a constraint to our thoughts of giving our the best shot. It is our attitude that translates itself into excellence. It is the reflection of our passion and commitment.

It is also a fact that the road to excellence is not an easy one. It can be very frustrating and painful.My failures opened up the knowledge of what does not work well. AND The challenges and obstacles i faced made me better aware of how to work within constraints. It also made me look for alternatives, new approaches and changed my perceptions.

Excellence is truly an investment that gives us a return even long after the efforts have been made.

God has given each one of us unique gifts and a purpose in life. Through all life challenges, we must emerge stronger to be the best version of ourselves to do the service of God.

Even when there may be occasions, when we stumble in our faith or want to give up, we should always remember through every trial moments we become excellent, stronger and smarter individuals.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Let us rise up in all our failures to face it boldly and move forward, the world is created for us to excel and live happy.