‘Ship of Theseus’ Analysis The Metaphysics of Existence

Yash Thakkar
3 min readJul 26, 2020


Film Poster : source IMDB

Film — Ship of Theseus

Director — Anand Gandhi

Available on — Youtube / MUBI

We start our lives with prejudiced opinions about the society around us, and their socio-political, economical and metaphorical opinions. Our conscience is a walking person on a rope balancing life’s belief(s) and disbelief(s). As we age, we question our conscience and start not conforming with certain notions. And that is when our quest for meaning starts. Ship of Theseus is that microcosm in the world of cinema that encapsulates your attention to your belief(s) and disbelief(s) and the meaning we have given to our purpose of existence.

Isn’t it too much to fathom all at once?

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Well, this piece of work engulfs you slowly by presenting three stories. A story of a blind photographer who gets her vision back, a monk in protest of animal cruelty who is sick and won’t take animal tested medicines, a business man who lives with basic moral principles with no ulterior socio-political motive. The essence of the film is in its direction and writing. The conversations and the situations that we come across in the film are deeply introspecting, the ones we find ourselves in many times but they eventually vanish as we get into our routine of life. For once I’d like to seek permission to not name the artists acting in every story in an attempt to keep the people in this film as real as they are to you but I would definitely acknowledge the powerful performances they delivered and all of them should be duly appreciated to bring life to these stories.

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Along with the metaphysics of existence that the story deals with, the camera work and the visual metaphors are the cream to enjoy. Pankaj Kumar has rightfully translated Anand’s vision onto screen with his work. The whole experience of the film is immensely immersive and in my belief it breaks the fourth wall by making you question your purpose of existence as you progress with the film. What makes it special is that it is not only the story of the people in the film but it is yours, it is mine and it is of every human having disguised with his own reality but is blessed with a conscience to understand the truth beyond our own little world. The film may or may not make you trigger your beliefs but it would surely make you question yourself one thing : How much of your actions have effect on this universe and how many actions of yours are prejudiced?

Full Film Available On YouTube



Yash Thakkar

I like writing about films but you know what? Watching them is more fun! Other than that, I write about random things too.