How to Implement Custom Tokenizers in Elasticsearch

Disharth Thakran
3 min readAug 13, 2023


Understanding Tokenization in Elasticsearch

Tokenization plays a pivotal role in Elasticsearch’s efficiency when it comes to indexing and searching text data. The process involves breaking down a piece of text, which could be a sentence, a paragraph, or an entire document, into smaller units called tokens. These tokens are the building blocks that Elasticsearch uses to create an inverted index, a data structure that allows for rapid and effective searching.

The primary purpose of tokenization is to enhance search accuracy and performance. By breaking text into tokens, Elasticsearch can quickly identify and retrieve documents that match a user’s query. Each token points back to the original document, enabling Elasticsearch to efficiently return relevant results.

Elasticsearch comes equipped with a range of built-in tokenizers that handle common scenarios, such as whitespace tokenization (splitting text at spaces), keyword tokenization (treating the entire input as a single token), and more. However, there are instances where these default tokenizers might not suffice. For example, when working with languages that don’t use whitespace between words, or when dealing with domain-specific terminology, custom tokenizers become indispensable.

Custom tokenizers allow you to define your own rules for breaking text into tokens. This flexibility empowers you to adapt Elasticsearch’s tokenization process to the specific characteristics of your data, ensuring more accurate indexing and searching.

Creating a Custom Tokenizer:

Creating and implementing a custom tokenizer involves several steps that are crucial to achieving optimal results:

  • Defining Tokenization Rules: Before you start coding, you need a clear understanding of how you want to tokenize your text. Identify the specific characters, patterns, or language rules that should guide the tokenization process. For instance, you might want to tokenize text in languages that don’t rely on spaces as word delimiters or preserve domain-specific acronyms as single tokens.
  • Creating a Tokenizer Plugin: Tokenizers in Elasticsearch are implemented as plugins. A plugin is essentially an extension of Elasticsearch’s functionality. Depending on your chosen programming language, you’ll write code that defines your custom tokenization logic. This code will include rules you defined earlier, such as how to split or group characters to create tokens.
  • Configuring the Plugin: Once you’ve written the plugin, you need to integrate it into your Elasticsearch cluster. This involves adding the plugin to Elasticsearch’s configuration files. The plugin should be properly registered and loaded so that Elasticsearch recognizes it and can utilize it during the indexing process.
  • Mapping Configuration: In your Elasticsearch index, you’ll need to specify which field should use the custom tokenizer. This is done through mapping configuration. Mapping defines the structure of your documents and how the data within them should be analyzed and indexed. Specify the name of your custom tokenizer for the desired field in the mapping.
  • Testing and Iteration: After integrating the custom tokenizer, it’s crucial to test its functionality. Use sample data that is representative of your actual data. Run test cases to ensure that the tokenizer produces the expected tokens. If the results aren’t satisfactory, iterate on your code to refine the tokenization logic. Testing should encompass various scenarios, from simple text to more complex patterns, to validate its accuracy and efficiency.

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