Becoming One With The Evergreen — 5 Strong Reasons To Connect With Nature Today

Akshay Thakur
4 min readApr 13, 2023


Photo by Afdhal N. on Unsplash

Why do you think you find yourself looking for a break every now and then? Why do you feel like running away from the city almost every weekend? Do you think you are the only one looking for an escape from your monotonous routine? Look around and you will find every second person searching for some reason to shatter the monotony that they struggle with every day. The piling stress and the unnecessary anxiety that we deal with get dissolved the moment we connect with nature.

Do you think that the answer to all the tension, symptoms of depression, mood swings, and irritability that you face lies in nature? Perhaps. And this is exactly what we are here to discuss. For example, the Leisure Valley in Chandigarh is nature’s way of telling you that you need to slow down a little and visit me for a change. Let’s talk about a few reasons why you should be spending a lot more time in nature as opposed to how much you do right now.

1. Say Goodbye To Stress:

The biggest benefit or reason that you should connect with nature right now is that it allows you to say goodbye to stress almost immediately. When you want to unplug or probably just relax a little, just step into your nearest public park or even your back garden for that matter. Only 15 minutes in the morning are going to be enough. Don’t have much time? Just a 5-minute walk under the shade of the evergreens is going to be enough to get you out of your slumber and boredom. Go a little brisk and you feel energized and refreshed without having to try too hard.

2. Rectify Your Sleep Cycle:

If you are looking for a way to rectify your sleep cycle, set up at least three loud alarms in the morning. This will help you wake up before the sun hits your window. Maybe grab a shot of black coffee and just walk down to the nearest public park. The early morning gusts of wind will open up your mind to a brand new vision. Wait a minute. By doing that, you have already taken your first step towards regulating your sleep pattern.

3. Get Your Creative Juices Flowing:

For many people belonging to the creative discipline such as writing, singing, painting, or even movie-making, connecting with nature and visiting places such as the Leisure Valley in Chandigarh is a huge source of inspiration. Just observing the bark of the tree or how the rays of the sun play with the low-hanging leaves is enough to inspire and motivate you. The beautiful smells, sights, and sounds of the outdoors give you a brand new motive and drive you to improve your craft significantly. Just take a walk across the shrubs and you will not even have to try to calm down your thoughts or your riled-up brain anymore. Listen to the birds chirping outside. Sit down on a concrete bench. Observe the squirrels playing around. You will return home as a totally different person.

Photo by Mathis Jrdl on Unsplash

4. No More Inflammation:

A lot of people suffer from inflammation of different kinds. There are numerous disorders, autoimmune diseases, and several other health problems that we all face at some point in our lives. Can you say goodbye to all of them? Yes, according to an independent study, people who connect with nature more often are happier than people who stay indoors and away from greenery, trees, blue skies, or natural water bodies. It helps you do away with negativity in your thoughts as well.

5. Become More Spiritual:

People often look for spirituality in places such as a spa centre or probably a yoga class on the internet. Most of them are able to find that spirituality easily. However, for the ones who are still looking and are not successful, Sukhna Lake Chandigarh is a great option. The Garden of Silence located right at the end of the lake is where your soul is going to find peace and much more.

Connect With Nature Today for you will become happier. You will become more positive. It is only a matter of time and how quickly you are able to open to the natural elements around you. You just have to take the leap and the rest is going to follow. You will experience that your soul connects with nature on its own. You don’t have to do anything; just witness nature take its course.



Akshay Thakur

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