Say No To Gym & Choose These 6 Clever Activities To Stay Fit In 2023

Akshay Thakur
4 min readFeb 13, 2023


Photo by Serena Repice Lentini on Unsplash

Whether you are looking for a break from weightlifting or just don’t feel like joining the gym, it doesn’t really make a difference. You can still stay fit and in the best shape of your life by making these few changes in your daily routine. You can think about joining a cycling club or probably visiting the best swimming pool in Chandigarh for a swimming membership, or can even take dance classes 4 days a week. The options that you have are quite vivid and they are going to give you the best results. All you have to do is be dedicated to whatever activity that you choose to stay fit. Let’s discuss a few of them in a little detail in the following section:

1. Climb Stairs More Often:

If you happen to live on the top floor of your apartment building, you are in luck. One of the most effective and probably the easiest ways to stay fit and also keep your heart healthy is to climb stairs regularly. Running and walking can get a little boring. However, if you go for a run regularly and make it a point to give at least 15 minutes to your stairs after your sprints, you will be doing your body and mind a huge favour. Climbing stairs is also a great way to tone up your legs and make your knees more flexible. If you want, you can also add a little bit of resistance to the whole activity by holding a bag of flour or salt in your hands. You can also invest in a few iron plates if you are serious about this activity.

2. Choose a Dance Class:

A few dance forms that are going to burn a lot of calories are Bhangra, Salsa, Zumba, and contemporary Bollywood. If you do not wish to join a dance class, there is always the option of an aerobics session. This is the perfect combination of physical activity, sports, and dance moves. Also, it gives you a great opportunity to socialise with people belonging to various walks of life. You don’t just end up having a fantastic time but also make excellent friends in these dance sessions. It is only going to take less than 60 minutes for you to lose at least 6 to 8 kgs of weight in only one month.

3. Swimming is a Great Exercise:

It goes without a doubt that swimming is one of the best exercises. Remember to check out the best swimming pool in Chandigarh and ask for a 6-month membership at least. It is not only a stress buster but also a splendid way to increase your metabolism. There will be a certain protocol that you will have to follow before you enter the pool. Of course, that will be conveyed to you by your swimming instructor. Swimming when done regularly can give you a very nice muscle tone and increase your flexibility as well.

4. Morning Yoga Is Empowering:

If you thought that morning yoga was not for you, you were wrong. Morning yoga is one of the most empowering, uplifting, and refreshing exercises you can do. You don’t need any equipment for it and you don’t even have to be an expert at yoga poses. Just wake up early morning and turn on YouTube. You have all the assistance and guidance that you could possibly need. Yoga is a great way to calm your mind and also improve blood circulation all over your body. It enhances flexibility and also helps you relieve any joint pain that you might be suffering from. You can stay fit and also say goodbye to stiffness in your neck, back, arms, shoulders, legs, and the most critical part of your body which is your lower back.

Morning Yoga
Photo by kike vega on Unsplash

5. Jump Ropes Whenever You Can:

Skipping rope is your best friend. It is going to cost you hardly 150 bucks and the energy that you feel coursing through your veins just by looking at it is phenomenal. A skipping rope or even the idea of jumping one can take you back to your childhood days in just a second. Needless to mention, it is one of the most fun, exhilarating, and result-oriented exercises that you can do. Skipping rope can help you burn between 800 and 1000 calories every day. It is going to turn you into a calorie-burning machine and you are going to love that.

6. Join A Cycling Club:

Joining a cycling club in the city is also a very fun option. You can lose weight, tone up your legs, improve your heart health, kick out diabetes and obesity, and reconnect with the child in you. Cycling is not only popular across the country these days but has become a wonderful way to connect with nature as well. Chandigarh, in particular, has seen a massive craze for cycling over the past few years given its plan and green pastures that are inviting and calming at the same time. It is an all-in-one exercise and guarantees a rejuvenating experience from day one.


As you can see from the discussion above, you do not need to resort to weightlifting all over again. You do not have to join a gym or pay any large amount of sum as a health club membership fee. All you have to do is go through this list once more and make a decision for yourself. The exercise or physical activity you vibe with the most is your calling.



Akshay Thakur

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