How to Setup Your Own iRedMail Email Server

2 min readJul 24, 2023


Setting up your own iRedMail email server involves several steps to install and configure the necessary components. iRedMail is a popular open-source mail server solution that includes various mail services like SMTP, IMAP, and webmail. Here’s a general guide to help you set up your own iRedMail email server:

Note: Setting up an email server requires technical knowledge and entails potential security and configuration risks. Ensure you understand the process and follow best practices to protect your server and users’ data.

  1. Choose a Suitable Server: Select a server with sufficient resources (CPU, RAM, storage) and a stable internet connection. You can use a dedicated server or a virtual private server (VPS) running a Linux distribution like CentOS, Debian, or Ubuntu.
  2. Install a Supported Linux OS: Install the Linux operating system of your choice on the server. iRedMail supports various Linux distributions, but CentOS and Ubuntu Server are commonly used.
  3. Update the System: After installing the OS, update the system’s package repositories to ensure you have the latest software packages and security updates.
  4. Install Prerequisites: iRedMail requires specific software components like a web server (Nginx or Apache), a mail server (Postfix), and a database server (MySQL or MariaDB). Install these prerequisites and other required packages.
  5. Download iRedMail: Visit the iRedMail website ( and download the latest version of iRedMail. Upload the package to your server and extract it.
  6. Run iRedMail Installation Script: Execute the iRedMail installation script with root privileges. The script will guide you through the setup process, prompting for various configurations like domain names, admin passwords, and mail server settings.
  7. Configure DNS Records: Ensure your DNS records are correctly set up to point to your server’s IP address for mail-related services (MX, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, etc.). Proper DNS configuration is essential for successful email delivery.
  8. Enable SSL/TLS Encryption: Secure your email server by enabling SSL/TLS encryption for SMTP, IMAP, and webmail services. Obtain SSL certificates from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) and configure them in your web server and mail server.
  9. Create Mailboxes and Users: Use iRedMail’s administration panel to create mailboxes, email accounts, and manage users and domains.
  10. Configure Spam and Security Settings: Configure spam filtering and security settings to protect against email threats and maintain the reputation of your email server.
  11. Test Email Delivery: Test the email server by sending and receiving test emails both internally and externally. Verify that everything is functioning correctly.
  12. Backup and Monitoring: Implement regular backups of your email server’s configuration and user data. Set up monitoring to ensure the server is running smoothly and detect any potential issues.
  13. Regular Maintenance: Perform regular maintenance tasks like updating software packages, renewing SSL certificates, and monitoring server performance.

Important Note: Setting up and managing an email server requires ongoing maintenance, security updates, and adherence to email best practices. Email servers can be targeted by attackers, and improper configuration can lead to security vulnerabilities or blacklisting. If you are not familiar with server administration, consider using a reputable email hosting service that handles these tasks for you.

Before proceeding, thoroughly review iRedMail’s documentation and seek assistance from experienced administrators or support communities if needed.

