30 Day of Figma | Swipe to Delete Animation
TLDR | Used a youtube tutorial to learn how to make a swipe to delete animation utilizing smart animate and component sets
Review | This was one of the longer tutorial videos I have done. Today's video was Swipe to delete Animation | Figma interactive Components tutorial | Figma micro-interactions by Yariv BE. The longer video gave more detail and you set every component up from the beginning. This tutorial also gave me a chance to work with my Icon plugin showing me how to manipulate icons to animate them.
Reflection | A lot of these micro animations and interactions are becoming more intuitive because I have been doing so many and they really remind me of animating in Adobe After Effects. I hadn't used “on drag” very much before so that was newer to work with and required some logical thinking when setting up the ability to swipe both ways. Overall, I'm pretty proud of this one and excited to get to some of the more complex “on drag” and swipe animations I have coming up.