30 Days of Figma | Animated Mesh Gradient


TLDR | Created a mesh gradient animation in Figma using Smart Animate

Mesh Gradient Animation

Review | Another quick and easy tutorial for this weekend. The video for today was Create AMAZING & ANIMATED Mesh Gradients | Figma Tutorial by Mizko. Using the pen tool, linear gradients, and smart animate, I created a gradient animation!

Reflection | Today’s video is similar to yesterday’s in that it used Smart Animate to make a visual transition. In that respect, it was pretty similar and easy to follow. The main part that was new to me in this tutorial was creating a mesh gradient in Figma. Gradients, especially animated ones, aren’t a commonly present visual on sites but this tutorial was really fun and was also a nice way to see Smart Animate used in a different context.



Thandiwe Tembo

Designer passionate about creating accessible, inclusive, & impactful digital products that elevate the human experience