30 Days of Figma | Design System Fundamentals

Thandiwe Tembo
2 min readSep 1, 2022


TLDR | This lesson was about the fundamentals of a design system, giving a breakdown of how they are structured, and used, as well as their value/importance in the design process.

**no final product or design was made**

Review | The video for this lesson was Create a Figma Design System — Fundamentals (Part 1) by Mizko on Youtube. The lesson was clear and concise, giving a good framework on how to perceive design systems before jumping into what a system might do and look like. Going into a more in-depth walk thought of an established but also evolving design system provided good context on how the system works in real-world context.

Reflection | This tutorial provided a great review on how to structure design systems and why having and setting up a solid design system is fundamental to creating impactful designs. In my past projects, very poorly structured and shallowly built-out design systems were used for various reasons: the project was small scale, it wasn’t a focus of the assignment, time constraints, etc. And all of those are explanations, not excuses but even just taking ~2 hours to thoroughly think through and flesh out a design system for those projects could elevate the final deliverable and additionally make the construction of deliverable more efficient. Overall, a great video to start off the 30 days!



Thandiwe Tembo

Designer passionate about creating accessible, inclusive, & impactful digital products that elevate the human experience