Gratitude from the Dark Side

Thankr App
2 min readOct 31, 2022


Gratitude is a tricky concept for me. On the one hand I fully believe in it, on the other I’m wired a little dark (if that’s even scientifically possible — feels like it is).

Gratitude conjures up images of people with strong spirituality, overflowing with love and oozing rainbows and unicorns. I check zero of those boxes and am, therefore, seemingly at odds with gratitude.

However, not one to back down from a challenge, I wanted to see if I could weave a little gratitude into my life. So, I listened to the audiobook version of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. I had to listen to it SEVEN(!!) times before my stubborn subconscious would relent.


The Secret promotes an “attitude of gratitude”, in other words feeling deeply grateful for everything. That might seem like an impossible ask for a novice — I mean, what if you’re in a grumpy mood? What if you want the world to know the universe has stabbed you in the back? Well, I learned in the book, that one extremely simple small step you can take is say to yourself “thank you” the minute you wake up. Then as you take each step to the bathroom (or coffee maker, or wherever else you go when you get out of bed), repeat thank and you with each footstep.

I am proof that no matter what’s eating at you, whether it’s some some annoying b*tch in the school drop off line, your job, your family or the entire universe, you will feel better and start your day off right with this simple mantra of “thank you”. And if a dark, stubborn old bat like me could do it, so can you.

Thank you for reading — I fully appreciate your time!

Article first published by Danielle Gillespie on her medium page.



Thankr App

Making the world a little brighter, one thankr at a time.