Only in my mind

Trish Hanson
1 min readSep 7, 2016


Sometimes my mind wanders off to this far away place. It is a place where I am happy. I do not overthink here. Everything is bright and cheery. There is no darkness. I feel worthy. I feel safe. I feel like I belong and no one is there to take that away from me. Nothing creeps in to this far away place that makes me second guess myself. Nothing here makes me feel alone. Nothing here will hurt me or break my heart. I am free to be me. I cannot be judged here. I can’t be told I am not good enough. Here my mistakes are overlooked. My failures are forgotten. I can be me. The person that I have always strived to be. The person who has reached her full potential. A person who is content with all she has and has no wants or needs or worries. Sometimes I can find this far away place. But only sometimes.



Trish Hanson

Trying to figure out this thing called life and embracing the darkness along the way.