The Ultimate Guide to Learning English with ChatGPT

Transform the way you practice English with ChatGPT.

Alice Ng
9 min readJun 13, 2023
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Are you ready to take your English skills to the next level? Well, ChatGPT is here to help!

ChatGPT has been a real game-changer when it comes to language learning. Not only can it help you practice your speaking and writing skills, but it can also provide you with instant feedback on your grammar and vocabulary. And that’s just the beginning!

ChatGPT can even help you enhance your vocabulary, grammar, conversation skills, exam preparation, and so much more. It’s like having a personal language tutor you can talk to anytime, anywhere!

In this article, I’m going to share with you ideas on how to use ChatGPT to transform the way you practice in ways you wouldn’t believe are possible!

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

1. Using ChatGPT to Practice Conversation

One of the first things you can do with ChatGPT is practice conversation or natural dialogue and generate scripts to practice different conversations in different situations. Here is an example of a back-and-forth conversation:

Promt: “Can you write a chat between two people at … [place]?”

The screenshot by the author

You can read the conversation, see the type of language used, and practice with it. You can also ask ChatGPT to have a small talk with you and correct your answers, writing, grammar, and syntax. Let’s take a look!

Prompt: “Can we have a small talk to practice my English and you help me correct any grammar mistakes, typos, or factual errors I make?

The screenshot by the author
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

2. Using ChatGPT to improve your Vocabulary

Expanding your vocabulary helps you communicate more effectively in English. ChatGPT can help you learn new words and phrases for everyday conversations.

Additionally, you can also learn how to apply them in the appropriate context and manner. If you are preparing for IELTS or TOEFL, you can ask for a specific list of words related to your topic

Prompt: “What is the meaning of “novice” and how to use it in context?”

The screenshot by the author

Prompt: “Can you give me a list of words related to “AI” and how to use it in sentences?

The screenshot by the author

Learning new words by memorizing lists can be beneficial, but it may not be the best way to boost your vocabulary. Instead of spending hours making and studying lists of words, why not try some games with ChatGPT that will help you learn new words and phrases effortlessly?

Playing games is a fun and engaging way to expand your vocabulary without needing a tutor. ChatGPT offers various games that you can enjoy while enhancing your English vocabulary. Here are some examples:

  • Word Association: Start with a word and ask ChatGPT to provide a word that is associated with it. Then, take the new word and ask for an association again.
  • Fill in the Blank: Present a sentence with a missing word and ask ChatGPT to fill in the blank.
  • Word Scramble: Rearrange the letters of a word and challenge ChatGPT to unscramble it.

Prompt: “Let’s play Word Scramble!”

The screenshot by the author

3. Using ChatGPT for Learning Grammar

Learning grammar doesn’t have to be boring. ChatGPT is an interactive and friendly chatbot that can teach you grammar rules and concepts with engaging examples and quizzes. You can ask it anything about grammar, from verb tenses to punctuation marks. ChatGPT will make learning grammar fun and easy.

Prompt: “Can you explain the recent past tense, how and when to use it?”

The screenshot by the author

You can use ChatGPT to provide you with some examples of daily conversation sentences using the present perfect to further illustrate its usage.

Prompt: “Please a real-life conversation that contains the present tense for learning purpose?”

The screenshot by the author

But that’s not all! ChatGPT can also be your private grammar checker. It gives you immediate feedback on your writing, points out any errors, and explains how to fix them. ChatGPT is like a friendly teacher who never gets tired of correcting you.

Prompt: “Please correct my grammar mistakes and explain for me.”

The screenshot by the author

But wait, there’s more. ChatGPT can also create exercises for you to test your grammar skills. It’s a great way to reinforce what you’ve learned, and if you get stuck, you can ask it to explain the correct answer and why it’s correct.

The screenshot by the author

This feature is a lifesaver for me. I use it every day and it’s very helpful. It teaches me grammar quickly and easily, without the need to search on Google or read dull articles. It has simplified my life and saved me a lot of time. It has made my life easier and saved me tons of time.

4. Using ChatGPT to learn Idioms, Slang, or Phrases

We all know that mastering a language isn’t just about grammar and vocabulary. Fun idioms and phrases also play a critical role in taking your English to the next level. Just imagine how cool it would be to effortlessly use idioms like “go down in flames” or “love in the air.” You’ll have people scratching their heads and wondering how you became a master of English slang.

You can ask ChatGPT for synonyms, idioms, or phrases related to specific topics to enrich your vocabulary and make your conversations more engaging.

Prompt: Teach me some commonly used idioms in English?

The screenshot by the author

Slangs are also commonly used in casual conversations, especially among peers and friends. Understanding and using slang is a great way to connect and communicate more effectively in informal settings. With ChatGPT’s secret weapon, you can learn slangs that will make you the talk of the town!

Prompt: “Teach me some popular slangs among young people these days.”

The screenshot by the author

5. Using ChatGPT to enhance your Speaking Fluency

To speak more confidently and clearly, you can practice expressing your thoughts (not just reading scripts). But sometimes you don’t have a partner, or you feel shy.

Photo by saeed karimi on Unsplash

No problem, I got you covered. Record yourself speaking for 3 minutes every day about different topics. Then listen to your recording and try to improve it. Trust me, you’ll be amazed by how much you can improve in 3 months.

Besides, ChatGPT can help you with this. It can give you great topics to practice with, so you always have something to say and don’t waste time searching online.

Prompt: Please practice IELTS Speaking test with me.

The screenshot by the author

Prompt: “Please create a cue card for IELTS Speaking test”

The screenshot by the author

And if you don’t know where to start, ChatGPT will give you an example to help you understand how to structure your answer. You can use it as a guide and modify it according to your own stories and feelings. That’s amazing!

The screenshot by the author

One helpful extension for improving your conversational English skills with ChatGPT is “Voice Control for ChatGPT.” This browser add-on lets you talk to ChatGPT, a great partner powered by advanced AI. Record your voice by clicking the microphone button or pressing and hold the space key (outside input field) to talk. It’s as easy as pie.

The screenshot by the author

With this extension, you can enjoy these perks:

  • No typing: Just speak your mind and let ChatGPT do the magic.
  • No reading: Listen to ChatGPT’s responses as they are spoken to you in a soothing voice.
  • No language barriers: Choose from multiple languages for voice input and output. ChatGPT can even teach you some new words and phrases.

6. Using ChatGPT to improve your Writing Skills

Whether you need to spice up your vocabulary, get some constructive feedback, or ask for an explanation, ChatGPT can do it all.

For example, imagine you want to quit your job because you are unhappy with your boss. You can ask ChatGPT to write a resignation letter to your boss for you.

Prompt: “Please write a resignation letter to my boss because I don’t feel happy at work.”

The screenshot by the author

And ask it to revise it, if you’re not satisfied with it. It’s also a good idea to compare the different versions of your writing and see what you can learn from the differences. This can help you sharpen your writing skills over time.

ChatGPT is a game-changer for anyone who is preparing for the TOEFL/IELTS writing exams. It will create sample TOEFL/IELTS writing exams for you to practice your essay skills and provide you with helpful feedback on your writing response.

Prompt: “Can you give an essay task for IELTS writing.”

The screenshot by the author

But it doesn’t stop there! ChatGPT can not only check and grade your IELTS essay but also tell you why it gave you that grade.

Prompt: “Please grade my writing skills out of 100 and give me some feedback: “

The screenshot by the author

You can even ask ChatGPT to write a story from a few words that you provide. That’s pretty cool, isn’t it?

Prompt: Please write a story from a few words: a girl with red hair, blue eyes, Canada, apple, grandmother.

The screenshot by the author

7. Using ChatGPT to improve your Reading Skills

Reading is one of the most important skills that you need to master. These are some great ways to use ChatGPT for improving your reading skills. Here’s how:

  • Reading the texts that ChatGPT provides and checking your comprehension.
  • Asking ChatGPT to summarize, paraphrase, or simplify texts for you.
  • Asking ChatGPT to explain words, phrases, or concepts that you don’t understand.
  • Asking ChatGPT to rewrite texts at different levels of difficulty or formality.
  • Creating exercises for your reading skills

Here is how I use Chat GPT to summarize online content for me.

Prompt: “Can you write a short article about the benefits of reading?”
“Can you summarize this article for me? [paste an article URL]”

Here is an exercise that you can try:

Prompt: “ Please provide a multiple choice exercise for IELTS Reading skills?”

The screenshot by the author
The screenshot by the author
The screenshot by the author

8. Using ChatGPT to practice for TOEFL or IELTS

Using ChatGPT to practice for TOEFL or IELTS is a smart idea. ChatGPT can help you improve your English skills in various ways, as I mentioned above. However, this feature is especially useful to help you pass the IELTS with flying colors. Chat GPT can help you create a plan to achieve your goals and customize it to your specific needs and preferences.

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

For example, you can ask ChatGPT to establish a realistic timeline for your preparation, recommend suitable materials and resources for your level, track your progress and provide feedback, and encourage you to stay on track. This way, you can have a clear and effective plan that will lead you to success.

Prompt: “Please make a detailed schedule for me to achieve IELTS 7.0 from Zero within 6 months”

The screenshot by the author

Remember, learning English requires consistent effort and practice. Make it a habit to interact with Chat GPT regularly, setting aside dedicated time for language improvement.

Embrace the opportunity to engage with a language model that can respond to your queries and guide you on your learning path. Together, we can enhance your English skills, boost your confidence, and make your language-learning journey more enjoyable.



Alice Ng

My journey into the world of AI | ChatGPT • Midjourney • Open Source LLMs