Kitten Swallowed Rubber — Tips for good cat parenting.

Tara Perera
4 min readAug 31, 2021


I went through this bad experience for weeks and the things I searced helped me a lot to overcome this. I want to share my experience hoping this would help anyone who’s confused about how to help you poor kitten.

My 5-week old kitten had started to chew the rubber nipple of the milk bottle. It’s passed around her weening age (Which is 4 weeks) and I clearly saw tiny teeth and he has started to bite my hand also. It’s recommended to stop giving milk from bottles at this age.

But I really didn’t want to start giving him milk on the plate, since I really enjoyed the warm feeling of giving milk from the bottle and cute things he’s doing while feeding and that he’s thinking of me as his mom. I think everyone can understand what I’m telling. I haven’t had kittens myself before and If I knew what harm can bring from that, I would never do that. I really wish someone had told me this.

Since he’s biting the rubber nipple, I got a new milk bottle set and replaced the damaged nipple, several times. One night while feeding him I saw that the rubber nipple has damaged, I thought after this feeding time will replace.

He started to bite the nipple and even before I do something He swallowed it. It was around 10 PM, I didn’t know what to do. I was so panicked, and I knew he had tried to vomit when I give him vitamins, so I gave him vitamin dose thinking he will vomit, but no. he seems okay, but I was really worried, and I started to search through the internet, the most time I found that the option is to do the surgery. And it says the normal time to pass is 12h to a few weeks or months. And to give more fibers. According to one post should give pumpkin seeds, the same night around 3 AM I blended fish and pumpkin seed to feed him (Later found that the only pumpkin is good not the seeds). And In the morning I took him to the vet. (Before this happens he had diarrhea and was on medicine for that).

The first thing we did was taking the x-ray, and the doctor examines the rubber nipple leftover piece.

X — Ray 01–2020/03/14

he was already on the following medicine due to diarrhea, Digytone, Jeewani, Glucose, and BIFILAC. I have added these details on how to treat a diarrhea kitten in a detailed separate paragraph.

Due to diarrhea and she’s weak after suffering from that, Doctor said we can’t give any medicine to pass that. And according to the x-ray, it has passed the time to treat by vomiting.

According to the x-ray, the rubber is still in the stomach, the problem is small intestine is really small in kittens, and he was only 400g weight. so if it passes through that then there’s no problem, but if it gets stuck we have to do the surgery.

I didn’t want to cut and open my little kitten unless it’s critical, I asked for other options, Vet recommended taking an x-ray and check the status every 2 days. that’s what I did for 3 weeks,

and meanwhile, I gave him more fiber to stop constipation, and examine his stool for the rubber, actually, I was always sitting next to him when he’s using the litter box.

One day he went to the litter box and he was trying so hard and was in a bit of pain, I got really scared, but I gave him time, and then he passed the rubber, I was soo happy. I hope this helps anyone who’s confused like me.

He’s some photos of baby Haesoo,

and he has become a beautiful, and wonderful grownup with his little brother who joined him after few months.

