My Problem with reading everday.

Book Reviews 101
2 min readMay 8, 2019


Whats the point of reading everyday?

Basically if you look at any list of “TOP 10 things to do everyday” you’ll definately find reading either at the top of the list or near it, along with meditaiton planning out your day, watering your plant etc etc. But what benefits do reading actually give you? Whats the point of actually filling your head with tons of information if you’re not going actually use what you’ve learnt. I remember reading a quote some where “Knowledge kept a secret is the greatest tradgedy” or something along those lines.

What it boils down to is, learning all this information is useless unless you actually use it! Everyone falls into this trap and so do I. I read every day, whether it’s an audibook or an ebook, never paperback books these days its the 2019 after all. I carry my phone everywhere it only makes semse to download the kindle app and start reading away.

But sometimes I realise I’m gaining all this new information but am I actually utilising it, or perhaps it just feels good just to think to my self “hey I’m learning something new”. I get a kick out of it and I’m pretty sure alot of readers also get this kick. Rather than actually absorbing what you’re reading its just the feeling of wellbeing you get knowing that you’ve read something or learnt something is enough to motivate you to keep going.

I don’t necessarily see a huge positive change in my life from reading, my writing is still abysmal, you can read this and probably realise it for yourself. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. I need to force myself and challenge myself to incorporate what I’ve learnt into my life. Maybe its just a single idea that can be the fulcrum that swings your life into a new direction of change and glory. I think I’ll just be hopefull and continue to read, hopefully those hours of reading actually amount to something, but lets be honest I would spent that time doing something wholly unproductive anyway. (Like playing videogames).

