Computer Storage Devices

10 min readOct 14, 2021


computer storage devices


A storage device is any sort of registering equipment that is utilized for putting away, porting or separating information files and objects. Storage devices can hold and store data both briefly and for all time. They might be inside or outer to a PC, server or computer device.

Another few definitions,

· A storage device is a part of computer hardware used for saving, carrying and putting out data.

· A storage device for a PC empowers its client to store and securely get to the information and applications on a PC device. Knowing and finding out with regards to these PC storage devices is important as it functions as one of the core components of the framework.

· Computer storage device is any kind of hardware that store data. Most common type of storage device which computer internally have is a Hard Drive.

The usage of storage devices.

Mainly we use storage device for storing, porting or extracting data files and objects. But when we considering those storage devices as computing hardware, there are many usages that unique to those devices.

1. Storage devices able to hold and store data both temporarily and permanently.

2. There are number of devices that can use as storage device there for uses can choose proper device as storage device.

3. Users can access to the saved information anytime when they are needed.

4. No need lots of physical space to store data.

5. Can store huge amount of data in a single device.

6. Storage devices are coming with modern technology, so safety and security of data’s high than traditional data storing methods.

7. Many of storage devices are portable, therefore uses can carry the devices when they travel. (USB, Memory Card)

8. Read and write the information is faster than manual ways.

9. Day by day storage device are getting modified and provide more features to the users.

10. Durability is too high than traditional data storing ways.

11. Mainly storage devices can separately identify as internal and external storages devices, so users can choose the device according to price, capacity and other needs.

Types of storage

There are four types of storage,

1. Primary Storage

2. Secondary Storage

3. Tertiary Storage

4. Off-line Storage

1.Primary Storage

A primary storage is a medium that holds memory for brief timeframes while a PC is running. Despite the fact that it has a much lower access time and quicker execution, it is likewise around two significant degrees more expensive than secondary storage. Also known as main memory of the computer. RAM, ROM and cache are examples for primary storage.


Any of data that in RAM can be accessed just as fast any of the other data, therefore it is called as Random-Access Memory. The most common RAM types used now are

known as dynamic RAM. DDR SDRAM is commonly used RAM in today’s computers. The other type of RAM is SRAM which is used in computers.

differences between DRAM and SRAM


It contains the programming expected to begin a PC, which is fundamental for boot-up; it performs significant input/output undertakings and holds projects or programming directions. This sort of memory is regularly alluded to as “firmware” — how it is modified has been a wellspring of plan thought all through the development of the modern computer.

ROM means Read-Only Memory and cannot overwritten or modified easily or quickly.


· Cache

Cache memory is a small- sized type of volatile PC memory that gives high speed information admittance to a processor and stores every now and again utilized PC programs, applications and information.

A temporary storage of memory, cache makes information recovering simpler and more productive. It is the quickest memory in a PC, and is commonly coordinated onto the motherboard and directly installed in the processor or RAM.


2. Secondary Storage

A secondary storage device alludes to any non-volatile storage device that is internal or external to the PC. It tends to be any storage device past the primary storage that empowers permanent information storage.

A secondary storage device is otherwise called an auxiliary storage device, reinforcement storage devise, level 2 storage, or external storage.

· Hard Disk

A hard disk drive (HDD) is a non-volatile PC storage devise containing magnetic disks or platters rotating at high speeds. It is a secondary storage device used to store information for all time, RAM being the primary memory devise. Non-volatile means information is held when the PC is turned off.

HDDs are slower than SDDs reading and writing date, because of that modern computer often use and SSD as the primary storage device. But HDD offer greater storage capacity for the price.

Files for the opening system and software programs are store in the Hard Drive.

Size of hard drives are depending of type and its age. Older hard drives had a storage size several hundred MB to several GB. Modern ones have a storage size of hundred GB to several TB.

By using ATA, SATA or SCSI cables HDD connected to the mother board and it is under the drive. The HDDs access time is measured in milliseconds.

The purpose of expand the storage, external hard drives are using now. External hard drives have slower data transfer rate compared to the internal HDD and can connect to the computer by using USB 2.0 interface or with eSATA.

parts of hard drive
Differences between internal and external hard disks

3. Tertiary Storage

Tertiary storage or tertiary memory gives a third level of memory. Regularly, it includes a robotic mechanism which will mount (supplement) and descent removable mass storage media into a storage device as indicated by the framework’s requests; such information are frequently duplicated to secondary storage before use.

We can identify Magnetic Tape and Optical Disc as examples for tertiary storage.

· Magnetic Tape

Magnetic tape is a sort of physical storage media for various types of information. It is viewed as a simple arrangement, as opposed to later kinds of storage media, like strong solid-state disk (SSD) drives. Magnetic tape has been a significant vehicle for sound and parallel information storage for a considerable length of time, is still essential for information storage for certain frameworks.

magnetic tape drive

· Optical Disc

Optical disk is using to store data in optical discs, and all read and write activities are doing by using laser beam.CD, DVD and Blue-ray disc are three main type optical media.

optical discs
Differences between CD,DVD and Blu-ray disc

4. Off- line Storage

Offline storage alludes to any storage medium that should be truly embedded into a framework each time a user’s need to get to or edit information. Offline storage can be any sort of internal or external storage that can undoubtedly be taken out from the PC. Offline storage is also called removable storage. Offline storage is portable in mature and can be used on different computer systems.

Floppy Disk, Zip diskette, USB flash drive and Memory card are some examples.

· Floppy disk

A soft magnetic disk. Portable and less expensive. But slower than hard disk. Also, less storage capacity.

Capable of storing 1.44 MB of data.

8” floppy disk- in 1971, 5.25” floppy disk- in 1978, 3.5” floppy disk-in 1984

floppy disks

· Zip Diskette

Capable of storing up to 100MB of data or 250MB of data on new drives.

Hardware data storage device developed by Iomega that functions like standard 1.44” floppy drive and diskette.

zip diskettes

· USB Flash Drive

Flash drive is a portable storage device and able to store and transfer 2GB to 1TB range of data.

Modern flash drives can hold between 8GB to 2TB of information.

The first flash drives were developed in April 1999 at M-Systems (now SanDisk).

USB flash drive

· Memory Card

Commonly used in digital cameras, MP3 players, mobile phones and other portable devices.

Most of memory cards today range in size from as small as 4GB up to as large as 128 GB.

memory card

Types of computer storage devices

All kinds of computer storage devices can divide in to below four types,

1. Magnetic storage devices

2. Optical storage devices

3. Flash Memory devices

4. Online Cloud storage devices

I. Magnetic storage devices

Magnetic storage devices can performed read or write information very easily. And also have huge capacities for storing data. Therefore today most of people are preferred to use magnetic storage devices.

This storage device has non-volatile storage nature and used magnetized medium for store data.

E.g.-Floppy diskette, Hard drive, Magnetic strip, Super Disk, Tape cassette, Zip diskette

II. Optical storage devices

Optical storage devices are not more costly, light weight and removable device. All the information is store at an optical the optical storage devices, data read or right performed by light.

E.g.-Blue-ray disc, CD-ROM disc, CD-R and CD-RW disc

read/write activity by using laser beam

III. Flash Memory Devices

In 1980 Dr. Fujio Masuoka was introduced Flash Memory. Flash memory is also known as electronically erasable programmable read only memory (EEPROM). All data are persisted in the memory when power is turn off so flash memory is nonvolatile.

E.g.-USB flash drive, Compact flash, Memory card, NVMe, SD card, SSD, Sony Memory Stick

IV. Online Cloud Storage Devices

Cloud storage is a model for storing data in computer. In logical pool that called “the cloud” all digital information is stored. Hosting companies are managed clouding system. Cloud storage providers are responsible for available, accessible and security of the data. Several users can access to the data by anytime and anywhere because online clouding.

E.g.-Cloud Storage, Network media

cloud storage system

Most used storage devices

· RAM and cache memory comprise main parts of a computer. DDRSDRAM is commonly used RAM in today’s computers.

· ROM also main part of computer as primary storage, Pixel Experience, LineageOS, Evaluation X are some of best ROMs for computers.

· Because of speed and reliability SSD have started to replace hard drives.

· USB drives and SD cards are commonly used by peoples for portability.

· Compare to Blu-ray disks, CDs and even DVDs are rare.

· Cloud storage more popular in enterprise uses.

· Memory cards are commonly used in digital cameras, MP3 players, mobile phones and other small portable devices.

· Sometimes floppy disks are used in extreme industrial cases, but usage discontinues for many years.

Characteristics of computer storage devices

· Magnetic Storage Devices

1. Using magnetized medium for store data.

2. Has non-volatile nature

3. Have huge capacitates

4. Not more costly but data accessing power is slow

5. Digital data consists of binary information

· Optical Storage Devices

1. Used laser beam for read and write information

2. Store data at an optical disk

3. Not more costly

4. Capable to store vast amount of data

5. Portable

· Flash Memory Devices

1. Non- volatile

2. Smaller size

3. Portability

4. Does not contain any movable parts

5. Lesser price

difference between NOR and NAND flash memory drives

· Online Cloud Storage Devices

1. Easy maintenance

2. Large network access

3. Can buy extra cloud storage for a very small amount

4. User has to pay only for the service or the space they have utilized

5. Store data in a storage device that cannot hacked and utilized by any other person.



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